Imam Hussain in Islamic Narrated Heritage (1)
(1) أحاديث في فضل الإمام الحسين(ع) من كتب العامة

The Archangel Gabriel foretold the Holy Prophet of the martyrdom of Imam Hussain and brought his some of the soil on which he would be slain [1]

Al-Mustadrak ‛ala al-Sahihayn, vol. 3, page 176:

Through his chain of authority, al-Hakim reported Shaddad ibn ʽAbdullah to have quoted Ummu’l-Fadhl bint al-Harith as saying that she, once, visited Allah’s Apostle (s) and said, “O Allah’s Apostle! Last night, I saw a strange dream.” “What did you see?” the Prophet (s) asked and she answered, “It is too horrible for me to mention.” “What did you see?” the Prophet (s) insisted and she told, “I saw that a part of your body was cut off and put in my lap.” The Apostle of Allah (s) explained, “You have seen a good vision. Fatimah, by the permission of Allah, will give birth to a baby boy and he will be seated in your lap.” Thus, Fatimah (‛a) gave birth to Hussain and he was in my lap just as Allah’s Apostle (s) told.

One day, I visited Allah’s Apostle (s), took Hussain, and put him in my lap. As I turned my face towards Allah’s Apostle (s), I found him shedding tears. I asked, “O Allah’s Prophet! I sacrifice my father and mother for you! What is the matter?”

He explained, “The Archangel Gabriel has just come to me and told me that my community would kill my son, this one.”

“Will they kill this one?” I asked.

He answered, “Yes, they will. He also brought me some of red soil from the land on which he will be slain.”

This narration is authentic according to the criteria followed by the two Shaykhs; i.e. al-Bukhari and Muslim.

Comment: Al-Hakim cited the same narration again on page 179, but in a brief form.

إن جبريل (عليه السلام) أخبر النبي (صلى الله عليه وآله) بقتل الحسين (عليه السلام) وأتاه بتربته

مستدرك الصحيحين ج3 ص176

روى بسنده عن شداد بن عبدالله عن أم الفضل بنت الحارث، أنها دخلت على رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) فقالت: يا رسول الله إني رأيت حلماً منكراً الليلة قال: وما هو؟ قالت: إنه شديد قال: وما هو؟ قالت: رأيت كأن قطعة من جسدك قطعت ووضعت في حجري، فقال رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله): رأيت خيراً تلد فاطمة إن شاء الله غلاماً فيكون في حجرك، فولدت فاطمة سلام الله عليها الحسين (عليه السلام)فكان في حجري كما قال رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله)، فدخلت يوماً على رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله)فوضعته في حجره ثم حانت مني التفاتة فإذا عينا رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله)تهريقان من الدموع، قالت: فقلت: يا نبي الله ـ بأبي أنت وأمي ـ ما لك؟ قال: أتاني جبريل فأخبرني أن أمتي ستقتل ابني هذا فقلت: هذا؟ فقال: نعم، وأتاني بتربة من تربته حمراء، قال: هذا حديث صحيح على شرط الشيخين.

أقول: ورواه أيضاً في ص179 مختصراً


Al-Mustadrak ‛ala al-Sahihayn, vol. 4, page 398:

Through his chain of authority, al-Hakim reported ʽAbdullah ibn Wahab ibn Zam‛ah to have said: Ummu-Salamah [the Holy Prophet’s wife] told me that, once night, the Apostle of Allah (s) laid down to sleep, but he woke up so confused. He then returned to sleep, but he once more woke up more confused than the first time. He then returned to sleep and woke up while there was in his hand a handful of red soil, which he was turning over in his hand.

I asked, “What is this soil, O Allah’s Apostle?”

He replied, “The Archangel Gabriel has just told me that Hussain would be slain in the land of Iraq. I asked him to show me the soil of the land on which he would be slain; therefore, he brought me this soil.”

Although this narration is authentic according to the criteria followed by the two Shaykhs; i.e. al-Bukhari and Muslim, they did not mention it in their books.

Comment: After citing the same narration in Dhakha’ir al-‛Uqba (page 148), Muhibb al-Din al-Tabari commented, “Ibn Bint Mani‛ quoted this narration.”

“Al-Tabarani cited this narration,” al-Muttaqi al-Hindi commented after citing the same narration in Kanz al-‛Ummal (vol. 7, page 106).

مستدرك الصحيحين ج4 ص398

روى بسنده عن عبدالله بن وهب بن زمعة قال: أخبرتني أم سلمة أن رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) اضطجع ذات ليلة للنوم فاستيقظ وهو خاثر ثم اضطجع فرقد، ثم استيقظ وهو خاثر دون ما رأيت به المرة الأولى، ثم اضطجع فاستيقظ وفي يده تربة حمراء يقبلها، فقلت: ما هذه التربة يا رسول الله؟ قال: أخبرني جبريل(عليه السلام)أن هذا يقتل بأرض العراق ـ للحسين ـ فقلت لجبريل: أرني تربة الأرض التي يقتل بها فهذه تربتها

قال: هذا حديث صحيح على شرط الشيخين ولم يخرجاه

أقول: وذكره المحب الطبري أيضاً في ذخائره ص148 وقال: خرجه ابن بنت منيع، وذكره المتقي أيضاً في كنز العمال ج7 ص106 وقال: أخرجه الطبراني


Musnad Ahmad, vol. 3, page 242:

Through his chain of authority, Ahmad ibn Hanbal reported Anas ibn Malik to have said that the Angel of Rain asked his Lord to permit him to visit the Prophet (s). So, he was permitted. The Prophet (s) asked Ummu-Salamah to sit near the door and not to allow anyone to interrupt his meeting with the angel. Hussain came to enter, but Ummu-Salamah tried to prevent him. Yet, he jumped and could enter there. He went on sitting on the Prophet’s back, shoulders, and sides. Upon seeing so, the angel asked the Prophet, “Do you love this boy?” “Yes, I do,” the Prophet (s) answered, but the angel told, “Behold! Your community will kill him! If you wish, I can show you the very place where he will be slain.” Then, the angel slapped his hand and brought a piece of red clay.

Ummu-Salamah took that piece of clay and tied it in her scarf.

Thabit, one of the transmitters of this narration, commented, “We have been told that it was taken from Karbala’.”

Comment: Ahmad ibn Hanbal quoted the same narration on page 265 of the same book, but with slight difference in the form.

As for Muhibb al-Din al-Tabari, he cited the narration in Dhakha’ir al-‛Uqba (page 147) and then commented, “Al-Baghawi reported this narration, along with its complete chain of authority, in his book: al-Mu‛jam, and so did Abu-Hatam in his book: al-Sahih.”

Having cited the same narration in Kanz al-‛Ummal (vol. 7, page 106), al-Muttaqi commented, “Abu-Na‛im quoted this narration.”

As for al-Haythami, he also quoted the narration in Majma‛ al-Zawa’id (vol. 9, page 187) and then commented, “Abu-Ya‛la, al-Bazzar, and al-Tabarani quoted this narration through different chains of authority.”

مسند الإمام أحمد بن حنبل ج3 ص242

روى بسنده عن أنس بن مالك أن ملك المطر استأذن ربه أن يأتي النبي (صلى الله عليه وآله)فأذن له فقال لأم سلمة: إملكي علينا الباب لا يدخل علينا أحد، قال: وجاء الحسين (عليه السلام) ليدخل فمنعته فوثب فدخل فجعل يقعد على ظهر النبي (صلى الله عليه وآله) وعلى منكبه وعلى عاتقه، قال: فقال الملك للنبي (صلى الله عليه وآله): أتحبه؟ قال: نعم، قال: أما إن أمتك ستقتله وإن شئت أريتك المكان الذي يقتل فيه، فضرب بيده فجاء بطينة حمراء فأخذتها أم سلمة فصرتها في خمارها، قال: قال ثابت ـ يعني أحد رواة الحديث ـ بلغنا أنها كربلاء

أقول: ورواه في ص265 أيضاً باختلاف يسير، وذكره المحب الطبري أيضاً في ذخائره ص147 وقال: خرجه البغوي في معجمه، وخرجه أبو حاتم في صحيحه ـ انتهى ـ، وذكره المتقي أيضاً في كنز العمال ج7 ص106  وقال: أخرجه أبو نعيم، وذكره الهيثمي أيضاً في مجمعه ج9 ص187  وقال: أخرجه أبو يعلى والبزار والطبراني بأسانيد


Musnad Ahmad, vol. 6, page 294:

Through his chain of authority, Ahmad ibn Hanbal reported ʽA’ishah, or Ummu-Salamah, to have said that the Prophet (s) said to her, “An angel who had not visited me before has just come to me in the house. He told me, ‘Your son Hussain will be slain. If you wish, I may show you some of the soil of the land on which he will be slain.’ So, the angel took out some red soil.”

مسند الإمام أحمد بن حنبل أيضاً ج6 ص294

روى بسنده عن عائشة (أو أم سلمة) أن النبي (صلى الله عليه وآله) قال لأحدهما: لقد دخل عليَّ البيت ملك لم يدخل عليَّ قبلها فقال لي: إن ابنك هذا حسين مقتول، وإن شئت أريتك من تربة الأرض التي يقتل بها، قال: فأخرج تربة حمراء


Dhakha’ir al-‛Uqba, page 147:

Muhibb al-Din al-Tabari wrote: Ummu-Salamah is reported to have said: The Archangel Gabriel was with the Prophet (s) when Hussain started crying. So, I let him go in to the Apostle of Allah (s). Upon seeing him, Gabriel asked, “Do you love him, Muhammad?” “Yes, I do,” the Prophet (s) answered and the Archangel told, “Your community will kill him. If you wish, I can show you some of the soil of the land on which he will be slain.” Thus, the Archangel stretched his wing to the ground and showed the Prophet a land called Karbala’.

Ibn Bint Mani‛ quoted this narration.

ذخائر العقبى ص147

قال: وعن أم سلمة قالت: كان جبريل عند النبي (صلى الله عليه وآله)والحسين (عليه السلام) معه فبكى فتركته فذهب إلى رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) فقال له جبريل: أتحبه يا محمد؟ قال: نعم، قال: إن أمتك ستقتله، وإن شئت أريتك من تربة الأرض التي يقتل بها، فبسط جناحه إلى الأرض فأراه أرضاً يقال لها كربلا قال: خرجه ابن بنت منيع


Al-Sawa‛iq al-Muhriqah, page 115:

Ibn Hajar wrote: Ibn Sa‛d reported that the Prophet (s) had a small room in the upper floor and the stairs to that room was inside ʽA’ishah’s chamber. Whenever the Prophet (s) wanted to meet the Archangel Gabriel, he would go up to that room and ask ʽA’ishah not to let anyone come up to there. Yet, Hussain came up to the room without letting ʽA’ishah know about him. Upon seeing him, the Archangel Gabriel asked, “Who is this?” “He is my son,” the Prophet (s) answered, took the little boy, and put him on his thigh. Gabriel told, “Your community will kill him!” “Will they kill my son?” the Prophet (s) asked, and the Archangel answered in the affirmative. He then added, “If you wish, I may tell you of the land on which he will be slain.” Then, Gabriel pointed with his hand towards the land of al-Taff in Iraq, took some red soil therefrom, and showed it to the Prophet, commenting, “This is some of the land on which he will be killed.”

(الصواعق المحرقة لابن حجر ص 115) قال: وأخرج ابن سعد إنه صلى اللَّه عليه (وآله) وسلم كان له مشربة درجتها في حجرة عائشة يرقى إليها إذا أراد لقاء جبريل فرقى إليها وأمر عائشة أن لا يطلع إليها أحد فرقى حسين عليه السلام ولم تعلم به، فقال جبريل عليه السلام من هذا؟ قال: ابني فأخذه رسول اللَّه صلى اللَّه عليه (وآله) وسلم فجعله على فخذه، فقال جبريل، ستقتله أمتك فقال صلى اللَّه عليه (وآله) وسلم: ابني؟ قال: نعم، وإن شئت أخبرتك الأرض التي يقتل فيها، فأشار جبريل بيده إلى الطف بالعراق فأخذ منها تربة حمراء فأراه إياها وقال: هذه من تربة مصرعه


Kanz al-‛Ummal, vol. 6, page 222:

Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi wrote: The Prophet (s) is reported to have said: “Gabriel has told me that my son Hussain would be killed in the land of al-Taff. He even brought to me this piece of soil therefrom and told me that he would be killed on that very soil.”

Al-Tabarani cited this Prophetic tradition, reporting it from ʽA’ishah.

(كنز العمال ج 6 ص 222) ولفظه: أخبرني جبريل إن ابني الحسين يقتل بعدى بأرض الطف وجاءني بهذه التربة وأخبرني إن فيها مضجعه قال: أخرجه الطبراني عن عائشة


Kanz al-‛Ummal, vol. 6, page 223:

Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi also wrote: “The Prophet (s) is reported to have said: “Gabriel told me that my son Hussain would be killed. And God’s wrath would be extremely intense upon those who would slay him.”

Ibn Asakir reported this Prophetic tradition from Ummu-Salamah.

(كنز العمال أيضا ج 6 ص 223) ولفظه: إن جبريل أخبرني إن ابني هذا يقتل وإنه اشتد غضب اللَّه على من يقتله، قال: أخرجه ابن عساكر عن أم سلمة


Kanz al-‛Ummal, vol. 6, page 223:

Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi also wrote: The Prophet (s) is reported to have said: “Gabriel has come to me and told that my son, this one, would be killed by my community. I asked him to show me the soil on which he would be killed; so, Gabriel brought to me a handful of red soil.”

Abu-Ya‛la and al-Tabarani quoted this Prophetic tradition after reporting it from Zaynab bint Jahsh.

(كنز العمال أيضا ج 6 ص 223) ولفظه: إن جبريل أتاني وأخبرني إن ابني هذا تقتله أمتي، فقلت: فأرني تربته فأتاني بتربة حمراء قال: أخرجه أبو يعلى والطبراني عن زينب بنت جحش


Kanz al-‛Ummal, vol. 6, page 223:

Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi also wrote: The Prophet (s) is reported to have said: “Gabriel has just left me after he told me that Hussain will be killed near the bank of the Euphrates. He then asked me, ‘Do you want me to make you smell some of the soil of the land on which he will be slain?’ I said, ‘Yes,’ he stretched his hand, took a handful of soil, and gave it to me. As soon as I saw it, I could not stop my ears from shedding tears.”

A good group of master scholars of Prophetic traditions quoted and reported this Prophetic tradition.

(كنز العمال أيضا ج 6 ص 223) ولفظه: قام عندي جبريل من قبل فحدثني إن الحسين يقتل بشط الفرات وقال: هل لك أن أشمك من تربته؟ قلت: نعم فمد يده فقبض قبضة من تراب فأعطانيها فلم أملك عيني أن فاضتا، ثم ذكر جمعا من أئمة الحديث أنهم قد أخرجوا هذا الخبر ورووه


Kanz al-‛Ummal, vol. 6, page 223:

Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi also wrote: The Prophet (s) is reported to have said to ʽA’ishah, “Do you want me to tell you something astounding? An angel who had not visited me before has just come to me and said that my son, this one, would be slain. He then suggested, ‘If you wish, I may show you some of the soil of the land on which he would be killed.’ Thus, the angel stretched his hand and brought some red soil that he showed to me.”

Al-Tabarani cited this Prophetic tradition, which he reported from ʽA’ishah.

(كنز العمال أيضا ج 6 ص 223) ولفظه: يا عائشة ألا أعجبك؟

لقد دخل عليّ ملك آنفا ما دخل عليّ قط فقال: إن ابني هذا مقتول، وقال: إن شئت أريتك تربة يقتل فيها، فتناول الملك يده فأرانى تربة حمراء.

قال: أخرجه الطبراني عن عائشة



Kanz al-‛Ummal, vol. 6, page 223:

Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi also wrote: The Prophet (s) is reported to have said: “I have been told about the death of Hussain. The soil of the land on which he will be slain was brought to me, and I was told of his slayers.”

Al-Daylami quoted this Prophetic tradition, reporting it from Mu‛adh who reported it directly from the Holy Prophet (s).

(كنز العمال أيضا ج 6 ص 223) ولفظه: نعى إلى الحسين وأتيت بتربته وأخبرت بقاتله، قال: أخرجه الديلمي عن معاذ – يعنى عن النبي صلى اللَّه عليه (وآله) وسلم



Kanz al-‛Ummal, vol. 7, page 106:

Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi also wrote: Al-Muttalib ibn ʽAbdullah ibn Hantab is reported to have quoted Ummu-Salamah as saying: One day, the Prophet (s) was sitting in my chamber when he ordered, “Do not let anyone enter.” So, I was there guarding the door, but Hussain entered. Then, I heard the Prophet (s) weeping with a loud voice while Hussain was in his lap (or to his side) and the Prophet (s) was passing his hand over Hussain’s head and weeping. I apologized, “By Allah, I did not know about his coming; therefore, I could not prevent him.”

The Prophet (s) spoke, “The Archangel Gabriel was with us in the house and he, upon seeing Hussain, asked me, ‘Do you love him?’ ‘Yes, I do,’ I answered. He said, ‘Your community will kill him in a land called Karbala’.’ He then took some of its soil and showed it to me.”

When Hussain was surrounded by the enemies who then killed him, he asked, “What is the name of this land?” “It is the land of Karbala’,” he was told. So, he said, “True are the words of Allah’s Apostle. This is the land of agony and misfortune.”

Al-Tabarani and Abu-Na‛im quoted this narration.


(كنز العمال أيضا ج 7 ص 106) 

قال: عن المطلب بن عبد اللَّه بن حنطب عن أم سلمة قالت: كان النبي صلى اللَّه عليه (وآله) وسلم جالسا ذات يوم في بيتي فقال: لا يدخلن عليّ أحد، فانتظرت فدخل الحسين عليه السلام فسمعت نشيج النبي صلى اللَّه عليه (وآله) وسلم يبكى فإذا الحسين عليه السلام في حجره (أو إلى جنبه) يمسح رأسه وهو يبكى فقلت: واللَّه ما علمت به حتى دخل قال النبي صلى اللَّه عليه (وآله) وسلم: إن جبريل كان معنا في البيت فقال: أتحبه؟ فقلت: نعم فقال: إن أمتك ستقتل هذا بأرض يقال لها كربلا، فتناول جبريل من ترابها فأراه النبي صلى اللَّه عليه (وآله) وسلم فلما أحيط بالحسين عليه الصلاة والسلام حين قتل قال: ما اسم هذه الأرض؟

قالوا: أرض كربلا، قال: صدق رسول اللَّه صلى اللَّه عليه (وآله) وسلم أرض كرب وبلاء، قال: أخرجه الطبراني وأبو نعيم

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