Imam Al-Kathem’s Commandments to Husham on reason – Part 1
وصايا الإمام الكاظم عليه السلام لهشام بن الحكم وصفته للعقل- ج 1

Imam Al-Kazim’s Commandments to Husham on reason

وصايا الإمام الكاظم عليه السلام لهشام بن الحكم وصفته للعقل

Verily, God the All-blessed and All-exalted portends glad tidings to the people of reason and understanding in His Book. He states: “Announce the good news to My servants; those who listen to the word and follow the best meaning in it; those are the ones whom God has guided, and those are the ones endued with understanding.  (39:178)

إن الله تبارك وتعالى بشر أهل العقل والفهم في كتابه فقال (فبشر عباد الذين يستمعون القول فيتبعون أحسنه أولئك الذين هداهم الله وأولئك هم أولوا الألباب)

O Husham ibn Al-Hakam! God the Almighty and All-majestic has certainly perfected His arguments against people through reason. He explained everything completely to them, and led them to His Godhead through the guides. He states: “And your God is one God! There is no god but He. He is the All-beneficent, the All-merciful. Behold! There are in the creation of the heavens and the earth; in the alternation of the night and the day; in the sailing of the ships through the oceans for the profit of mankind; in the rain which God sends down from the skies, and the life which He gives therewith to a land that is dead; in the beasts of all kinds that He scatters through the earth; in the change of the winds, and the clouds which they trail like their slaves between the sky and the earth—in all these, there indeed are signs for a people that have understanding. (12:163-4)”

يا هشام بن الحكم إن الله عز وجل أكمل للناس الحجج بالعقول وأفضى إليهم بالبيان ودلهم على ربوبيته بالأدلاء فقال (وإلهكم إله واحد لا إله إلا هو الرحمن الرحيم إن في خلق السماوات والأرض واختلاف الليل والنهار إلى قوله لآيات لقوم يعقلون)

O Husham! God the Almighty and All-majestic has provided that as evidence on recognition of him so that people understands that there must be a managing Creator Who manages all these. He thus states: “God has made the day and the night, the sun and the moon, and all the stars subservient to you by His command. In this there is evidence of the truth for people of understanding. (16:12)”

He also states: “Ha Mim. I swear by the illustrious Book. We have made it an Arabic reading text so that you may understand. (43:1-3)

And He states: “Of the evidence of His existence are His showing you lightening which gives you fear and hope and His sending water down from the sky, which revives the earth after its death. In this, there is evidence of the truth for people of understanding. (30:24)”

يا هشام قد جعل الله عز وجل ذلك دليلا على معرفته بأن لهم مدبرا فقال (وسخر لكم الليل والنهار والشمس والقمر والنجوم مسخرات بأمره إن في ذلك لآيات لقوم يعقلون) وقال (حم والكتاب المبين إنا جعلناه قرآنا عربيا لعلكم تعقلون) وقال (ومن آياته يريكم البرق خوفا وطمعا وينزل من السماء ماء فيحيي به الأرض بعد موتها إن في ذلك لآيات لقوم يعقلون)

O Husham! God then admonishes the people of reason and arouses their desires for the Next World. He states:” The worldly life is but useless amusement and sport. While the abode in the Hereafter is far better for the pious. Will you not then understand? (6:32)”

He also states: “Whatever you (people) have been given are only the means for enjoyment and (false) beauty of the worldly life, but the means of enjoyment, which you will receive from God in the otherworldly life will be better and everlasting. Will you then not understand? (28:60)”

يا هشام ثم وعظ أهل العقل ورغبهم في الآخرة فقال (وما الحياة الدنيا إلا لعب ولهو وللدار الآخرة خير للذين يتقون أفلا تعقلون) وقال (وما أوتيتم من شي‏ء فمتاع الحياة الدنيا وزينتها وما عند الله خير وأبقى أفلا تعقلون)

O Husham! God then warns those who fail to understand against His chastisement. He, the Almighty and All-majestic, states: “Then, We totally destroyed the others. You pass by their ruined towns in the morning and at night. Will you then not understand? (37:136-8)”

يا هشام ثم خوف الذين لا يعقلون عذابه فقال عز وجل (ثم دمرنا الآخرين وإنكم لتمرون عليهم مصبحين وبالليل أفلا تعقلون)

O Husham! God then expounds that reason is always next to knowledge. He thus states: “Such are the parables We set forth for mankind. But only those who have knowledge can understand them. (29:43)”

يا هشام ثم بين أن العقل مع العلم فقال (وتلك الأمثال نضربها للناس وما يعقلها إلا العالمون)

O Husham! God then condemns those who fail to understand, stating: “When they are asked to follow the revelations of God, they say, ‘We would rather follow what our fathers have followed.’ What! Even though their fathers were void of understanding and guidance? (2:170)”

He also states: “Surely the vilest of animals in God’s sight are the deaf and dumb who do not understand. (8:22)”

He also states: “If you ask them, ‘Who created the heavens and the earth?’ They will certainly say, ‘God did.’ Say: It is only God who deserves all praise. Yet, most of them do not know (31:25)”

يا هشام ثم ذم الذين لا يعقلون فقال (وإذا قيل لهم اتبعوا ما أنزل الله قالوا بل نتبع ما ألفينا عليه آباءنا أولو كان آباؤهم لا يعقلون شيئا ولا يهتدون) وقال (إن شر الدواب عند الله الصم البكم الذين لا يعقلون) وقال (ولئن سألتهم من خلق السماوات والأرض ليقولن الله قل الحمد لله بل أكثرهم لا يعلمون)

God then condemns majority, stating: “If you follow the common run of those on earth, they will lead you astray from the path of God. (6:116)”

He also states: “…But most of them do not understand. (28:57)”

So, most of them do not perceive.

ثم ذم الكثرة فقال (وإن تطع أكثر من في الأرض يضلوك عن سبيل الله) وقال (ولكن أكثرهم لا يعلمون وأكثرهم لا يشعرون)

O Husham! God then praises minority. He states: “Few of My servants are grateful (34:13)”

He also states: “Very few they are. (38:24)”

And: “No one believed in him except a few. (11:40)”

يا هشام ثم مدح القلة فقال (وقليل من عبادي الشكور وقال (وقليل ما هم) وقال (وما آمن معه إلا قليل)

O Husham! God then mentions those endued with understanding in the best way of praise, and describes them with the finest attributes. He states: “God gives wisdom to anyone whom He wishes. Whoever is given wisdom, has certainly received much good. Only people of reason can grasp this. (2:269)”

يا هشام ثم ذكر أولي الألباب بأحسن الذكر وحلاهم بأحسن الحلية فقال (يؤتي الحكمة من يشاء ومن يؤت الحكمة فقد أوتي خيرا كثيرا وما يذكر إلا أولوا الألباب)

O Husham! God states: “This is a reminder for everyone who has a heart, (50:37) meaning, reason.

And He states: “We gave wisdom to Luqman. (31:12) That is understandability and intelligence.

يا هشام إن الله يقول (إن في ذلك لذكرى لمن كان له قلب) يعني العقل وقال (ولقد آتينا لقمان الحكمة) قال الفهم والعقل

O Husham! Luqman, teaching his son, said: “Show modesty before the truth so that you will be the most reasonable. O son, this world is a deep ocean in which many people have sunk. Fear of God should be your ship to pass this ocean. Faith should be the cargo, trust in God the sail, reason the captain, knowledge the guide, and patience the handlebar.”

يا هشام إن لقمان قال لابنه تواضع للحق تكن أعقل الناس يا بني إن الدنيا بحر عميق قد غرق فيه عالم كثير فلتكن سفينتك فيها تقوى الله وحشوها الإيمان وشراعها التوكل وقيمها العقل ودليلها العلم وسكانها الصبر

O Husham! everything should have a guide. The guide of the reasonable is pondering over things. The guide of pondering over things is silence. Likewise, everything has its mount. Modesty is the mount of the rational. It is yet sufficient ignorance for you to do what you have been warned against.

يا هشام لكل شي‏ء دليل ودليل العاقل التفكر ودليل التفكر الصمت ولكل شي‏ء مطية ومطية العاقل التواضع وكفى بك جهلا أن تركب ما نهيت عنه

O Husham! if people tell you that you have a pearl in your hand while you are sure it is a nut, not pearl, their words will never be of any avail to you. And if people tell you that you have a nut in your hand while you are sure it is a pearl, not nut, this will not harm you either.

يا هشام لو كان في يدك جوزة وقال الناس في يدك لؤلؤة ما كان ينفعك وأنت تعلم أنها جوزة ولو كان في يدك لؤلؤة وقال الناس إنها جوزة ما ضرك وأنت تعلم أنها لؤلؤة

O Husham! the main reason for God having sent prophets and apostles is that people would recognize Him correctly. So, the better they respond (to God’s prophets and apostles), the better they recognize Him. And the better they learn God’s commands, the more reasonable they are. And the most reasonable of them all will win the highest ranks in this world as well as the Hereafter.

يا هشام ما بعث الله أنبياءه ورسله إلى عباده إلا ليعقلوا عن الله فأحسنهم استجابة أحسنهم معرفة لله وأعلمهم بأمر الله أحسنهم عقلا وأعقلهم أرفعهم درجة في الدنيا والآخرة

O Husham! for every servant of God, there is an angel invested with full power over him. Whenever that servant shows modesty for the sake of God, God will raise his rank. But whenever he acts arrogantly, God will lower his rank.

يا هشام ما من عبد إلا وملك آخذ بناصيته فلا يتواضع إلا رفعه الله ولا يتعاظم إلا وضعه الله

O Husham! God has two authorities over people; one is visible and the other invisible. The visible authorities of God are His apostles, prophets and Imams, while the invisible is their reasons.

يا هشام إن لله على الناس حجتين حجة ظاهرة وحجة باطنة فأما الظاهرة فالرسل والأنبياء والأئمة وأما الباطنة فالعقول

O Husham! a true rational person is he whose legally gotten provisions do not divert him from thanking God, and whose illegally gotten provisions do not subjugate his patience.

يا هشام إن العاقل الذي لا يشغل الحلال شكره ولا يغلب الحرام صبره

O Husham! Whoever gives free hand to three things over three things, is as though assisted his personal whims to demolish his reason:

Whoever extinguishes the illumination of thinking with the long expectations, wipes out the novels of wisdom with curious speech, and extinguishes the lights of learning with his personal whims, will be as though assisted his personal whims to ruin his reason. And those who ruin their reasons will surely corrupt their worldly and religious affairs.

يا هشام من سلط ثلاثا على ثلاث فكأنما أعان هواه على هدم عقله من أظلم نور فكره بطول أمله ومحا طرائف حكمته بفضول كلامه وأطفأ نور عبرته بشهوات نفسه فكأنما أعان هواه على هدم عقله ومن هدم عقله أفسد عليه دينه ودنياه

O Husham! How come you expect that God will accept your deeds while you are preoccupying your mind with matters that make you disobey your Lord’s commands and you are complying with your whims and letting them overcome your reason?

يا هشام كيف يزكو عند الله عملك وأنت قد شغلت عقلك عن أمر ربك وأطعت هواك على غلبة عقلك

O Husham! To endure loneliness is a sign of power of reason. Whoever understands what God the All-blessed and All-exalted wants from him, will naturally keep himself away from those fond of worldly pleasures and those who lean towards it desirously, and instead he will arouse his desire for winning what God has, and take God for comrade in seclusions, friend in loneliness, source of wealth in poverty, and supporter instead of a tribe.

يا هشام الصبر على الوحدة علامة قوة العقل فمن عقل عن الله تبارك وتعالى اعتزل أهل الدنيا والراغبين فيها ورغب فيما عند ربه وكان الله آنسه في الوحشة وصاحبه في الوحدة وغناه في العيلة ومعزه في غير عشيرة

O Husham! The creatures are created for purpose of for obeying God. No safety is obtained without obedience to God. The course to obedience to God is to learn knowledge. And the course to learning knowledge is to study it. Reason is the only way to learn knowledge. Knowledge is worthless unless it is learnt from a godly scholar. And to recognize the godly scholar is done through reason.

يا هشام نصب الخلق لطاعة الله ولا نجاة إلا بالطاعة والطاعة بالعلم والعلم بالتعلم والتعلم بالعقل يعتقد ولا علم إلا من عالم رباني ومعرفة العالم بالعقل

O Husham! The few deeds that are done by the rational people will be accepted and doubled, while the many deeds that are done by followers of their personal whims and by the ignorant will be denied.

يا هشام قليل العمل من العاقل مقبول مضاعف وكثير العمل من أهل الهوى والجهل مردود

O Husham! A true intelligent is he who satisfies himself with the least number of worldly gains along with wisdom, but not with the least amount of wisdom along with huge worldly gains. This is why the trade of the intelligent is profitable.

يا هشام إن العاقل رضي بالدون من الدنيا مع الحكمة ولم يرض بالدون من الحكمة مع الدنيا فلذلك ربحت تجارتهم

O Husham! If you bear in mind that what meets your essential needs is an adequate fortune for you, then you will be satisfied with the least worldly provisions. But if you bear in mind that what meets your essential needs is not enough, then nothing in this world will ever satisfy you.

يا هشام إن كان يغنيك ما يكفيك فأدنى ما في الدنيا يكفيك وإن كان لا يغنيك ما يكفيك فليس شي‏ء من الدنيا يغنيك

O Husham! Rational people have quit the extra pleasures of this world. With greater reason, it will be very much easier for them to quit sins. To abstain from worldly pleasures is a virtue, but to abstain from committing sins is an obligatory duty.

يا هشام إن العقلاء تركوا فضول الدنيا فكيف الذنوب وترك الدنيا من الفضل وترك الذنوب من الفرض

O Husham! Rational people are those who abstain from worldly pleasures and yearn for the Next World. This is because they have already realized that this world is demanding and man will be questioned about it. Likewise, the Hereafter demanding and will be the station where man will be questioned. So, whoever seeks the Hereafter, this world will give him until he received his provisions completely therein. But whoever seeks for this world, the Hereafter will catch him when death comes upon him, ruining his worldly life and otherworldly life.

يا هشام إن العقلاء زهدوا في الدنيا ورغبوا في الآخرة لأنهم علموا أن الدنيا طالبة ومطلوبة والآخرة طالبة ومطلوبة فمن طلب الآخرة طلبته الدنيا حتى يستوفي منها رزقه ومن طلب الدنيا طلبته الآخرة فيأتيه الموت فيفسد عليه دنياه وآخرته

O Husham! Whoever desires to be rich without money, desires to have peace of mind without envy, and desires to have sound faith, should beseech God imploringly to grant him perfect intelligence. Surely, whoever enjoys understanding, will be satisfied with what meets his essential needs. And whoever is satisfied with what meets his essential needs, will be rich. But whoever fails to satisfy himself with what meets his essential needs, will never be experience (the feelings of) richness.

يا هشام من أراد الغنى بلا مال وراحة القلب من الحسد والسلامة في الدين فليتضرع إلى الله في مسألته بأن يكمل عقله فمن عقل قنع بما يكفيه ومن قنع بما يكفيه استغنى ومن لم يقنع بما يكفيه لم يدرك الغنى أبدا

O Husham! Speaking of the manners of righteous people, God the Almighty and All-majestic conveys their words, saying: “O Lord! Do not cause our hearts to deviate from Your guidance. Rather, grant us mercy from Your Presence. For You are the Most Awarding. (3:8)”

This is because they realized that hearts might be deviated and then return to their blindness and perdition.

يا هشام إن الله جل وعز حكى عن قوم صالحين أنهم قالوا (ربنا لا تزغ قلوبنا بعد إذ هديتنا وهب لنا من لدنك رحمة إنك أنت الوهاب) حين علموا أن القلوب تزيغ وتعود إلى عماها ورداها

Indeed, he who fails to recognize God understandably, will not fear Him. Similarly, he who fails to recognize God reasonably, will not be able to institute his heart on invariable recognition of Him, which he can see insightfully and find the truth about it in his hearts. None can be such except those whose words correspond to their deeds, and their secret faith agrees with their public situations. This is so because God has not made anything express the secret and covert rationality except some outward indications that speak of its reality.

إنه لم يخف الله من لم يعقل عن الله ومن لم يعقل عن الله لم يعقد قلبه على معرفة ثابتة يبصرها ويجد حقيقتها في قلبه ولا يكون أحد كذلك إلا من كان قوله لفعله مصدقا وسره لعلانيته موافقا لأن الله لم يدل على الباطن الخفي من العقل إلا بظاهر منه وناطق عنه

O Husham! Imam Ali (the Commander of the Faithful) used to say: “Nothing by which God is worshipped can be better than the intellect.”

يا هشام كان أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام يقول ما من شي‏ء عبد الله به أفضل من العقل

No one can enjoy a perfect reason unless one enjoys a number of characteristics, as follows: His disbelief and evil are spared. His rationality and good are expected. His extra wealth is offered munificently. His nonsensical words are held up. His share of this world is no more than essential sustenance. He is never satiated with knowledge. To be humiliated for God’s sake is dearer to him than being dignified in the sight of others. Modesty for God’s sake is dearer to him than nobility in the others’ sights. He always deems little the very much favor he does, but deems too much the little favor done to him. He sees that all people are more virtuous than him, for he from within sees that he is the evilest of all people. Such qualities are the signs of perfect intelligence.

وما تم عقل امرئ حتى يكون فيه خصال شتى الكفر والشر منه مأمونان والرشد والخير منه مأمولان وفضل ماله مبذول وفضل قوله مكفوف نصيبه من الدنيا القوت ولا يشبع من العلم دهره الذل أحب إليه مع الله من العز مع غيره والتواضع أحب إليه من الشرف يستكثر قليل المعروف من غيره ويستقل كثير المعروف من نفسه ويرى الناس كلهم خيرا منه وأنه شرهم في نفسه وهو تمام الأمر

O Husham! Whoever tells only the truth, his deeds will be awarded progressively. And whoever’s intention is always honest, his sustenance will be augmented. And whoever acts charitably and kindly to his brethren-in-faith and family members, his lifetime will be extended.

يا هشام من صدق لسانه زكا عمله ومن حسنت نيته زيد في رزقه ومن حسن بره بإخوانه وأهله مد في عمره

O Husham! Do not say words of wisdoms to the ignorant; lest, you will wrong it. And do not deprive its deservers of it; lest you will wrong them.

يا هشام لا تمنحوا الجهال الحكمة فتظلموها ولا تمنعوها أهلها فتظلموهم

O Husham! As they left wisdom for you, you should leave the worldly pleasures for them.

يا هشام كما تركوا لكم الحكمة فاتركوا لهم الدنيا

O Husham! Those who lack chivalry are faithless. And those who are deprived of chivalry are brainless. The most high-ranking people are those who disregard the worldly pleasures completely. Behold! Nothing serves as proper price of your bodies except Paradise. So, do not sell them for anything other than Paradise.

يا هشام لا دين لمن لا مروة له ولا مروة لمن لا عقل له وإن أعظم الناس قدرا الذي لا يرى الدنيا لنفسه خطرا أما إن أبدانكم ليس لها ثمن إلا الجنة فلا تبيعوها بغيرها

O Husham! Imam Ali the Commander of the Faithful used to say: “No one should sit in the forefront of a session except those who can answer when they are questioned, speak when others are speechless, and give the best opinion that benefits its seekers. Yet, those who do not enjoy these three characters but they allow themselves to sit in the forefront of a session are surely idiots.”

يا هشام إن أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام كان يقول لا يجلس في صدر المجلس إلا رجل فيه ثلاث خصال يجيب إذا سئل وينطق إذا عجز القوم عن الكلام ويشير بالرأي الذي فيه صلاح أهله فمن لم يكن فيه شي‏ء منهن فجلس فهو أحمق

Imam Al-Hasan ibn Ali used to say: “When you have to ask someone for a need, make sure that you do not ask it except from those who deserve to be asked for such.”

“O son of God’s Messenger,” they asked. “Who are those who deserve to be asked for a need?

Replying, the Imam answered, “They are those whom God mentions in His Book, stating: Only the people of reason take heed. (38:19) They are the ones endued with reason.”

وقال الحسن بن علي عليه السلام إذا طلبتم الحوائج فاطلبوها من أهلها قيل يا ابن رسول الله ومن أهلها قال الذين قص الله في كتابه وذكرهم فقال (إنما يتذكر أولوا الألباب) قال هم أولو العقول

Imam Ali ibn Al-Hussein used to say: “To sit with the righteous encourages on acting righteously. To stick to the mores of scholars increases one’s rationality. To obey the just rulers grants full dignity. To invest one’s money grants full chivalry. To give a well-intentioned advice to its seekers is a fulfillment of the duty towards reception of blessings. And to stop one’s harm from others is a sign of perfect intelligence. It also, sooner or later, gives physical relaxation.

وقال علي بن الحسين عليه السلام مجالسة الصالحين داعية إلى الصلاح وأدب العلماء زيادة في العقل وطاعة ولاة العدل تمام العز واستثمار المال تمام المروة وإرشاد المستشير قضاء لحق النعمة وكف الأذى من كمال العقل وفيه راحة البدن عاجلا وآجلا

O Husham! A true rational person is he who does not talk to one whom he expects to give him the line; does not ask something from one whom he anticipates that he will deny his request; does not promise of something he cannot do; does not hope for things that may frustrate his hope; and does not take the initiative to do what he anticipates inability to accomplish.

يا هشام إن العاقل لا يحدث من يخاف تكذيبه ولا يسأل من يخاف منعه ولا يعد ما لا يقدر عليه ولا يرجو ما يعنف برجائه ولا يتقدم على ما يخاف العجز عنه

Advising his fellows, Imam Ali the Commander of the Faithful used to say:

وكان أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام يوصي أصحابه يقول

“I advise you to fear God in secret and in public, to act fairly fair in situations of satisfaction and rage, to seek earnings in richness and poverty, to associate those who have disassociated you, to excuse those who wronged you, and to treat kindly those who deprived you of what you needed. Learn lessons of whatever you see. Think deeply whenever you are silent. Remember God whenever you want to say something. And let generosity be your natural disposition. Verily, the niggardly will never be allowed into Paradise. And the generous will never be doomed into Hellfire.”

أوصيكم بالخشية من الله في السر والعلانية والعدل في الرضا والغضب والاكتساب في الفقر والغنى وأن تصلوا من قطعكم وتعفوا عمن ظلمكم وتعطفوا على من حرمكم وليكن نظركم عبرا وصمتكم فكرا وقولكم ذكرا وطبيعتكم السخاء فإنه لا يدخل الجنة بخيل ولا يدخل النار سخي

O Husham! God will have mercy upon those who are ashamed of Him as He should be ashamed from. This is achieved through regarding one’s head and whatever therein and the stomach and whatever therein; remembering death and misfortunes frequently; and knowing for sure that winning Paradise is contingent upon undergoing misfortunes, while being doomed into Hellfire is the consequence of following sensual desires.

يا هشام رحم الله من استحيا من الله حق الحياء فحفظ الرأس وما حوى والبطن وما وعى وذكر الموت والبلى وعلم أن الجنة محفوفة بالمكاره والنار محفوفة بالشهوات

O Husham! Whoever stops mentioning badly the people’s chastity, God will protect him from slipping on the Day of Resurrection. And whoever stops acting furiously towards people, God will save him from His wrath on the Day of Resurrection.

يا هشام من كف نفسه عن أعراض الناس أقاله الله عثرته يوم القيامة ومن كف غضبه عن الناس كف الله عنه غضبه يوم القيامة

O Husham! A true rational person is he who never tells a lie, even if such would be for his good.

يا هشام إن العاقل لا يكذب وإن كان فيه هواه

O Husham! The following is engraved on the wisp of the Holy Prophet’s sword: “Verily, the most insolent of people in God’s sight are those who retaliate upon innocent people and kill innocent people. Whoever takes for leader another one than his true leader, has disbelieved in what God revealed to His Prophet Muhammad (God’s blessings be upon him and his Family). Whoever invents a heresy, leads a dissension, or shelters an insurgent, God will not accept their remuneration or apology on the Day of Resurrection.”

يا هشام وجد في ذؤابة سيف رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله إن أعتى الناس على الله من ضرب غير ضاربه وقتل غير قاتله ومن تولى غير مواليه فهو كافر بما أنزل الله على نبيه محمد صلى الله عليه وآله ومن أحدث حدثا أو آوى محدثا لم يقبل الله منه يوم القيامة صرفا ولا عدلا

O Husham! After recognition of God, the best acts that achieve nearness to God are the prayers, piety to the parents, and evasion of envy, self-conceit and pride.

يا هشام أفضل ما يتقرب به العبد إلى الله بعد المعرفة به الصلاة وبر الوالدين وترك الحسد والعجب والفخر

O Husham! Get ready for your coming days and prepare answers thereto. You will be inevitably judged and questioned. Learn lessons from this world and its people. Life is surely short, no matter how long it may be. So, act as if you can see the rewards for your good deeds before you, so that you will be urged to act more importunately. Understand God’s commands and learn from the vicissitudes of this world. The coming days of this world are certainly as same as those which passed away; therefore, learn lessons therefrom.

يا هشام أصلح أيامك الذي هو أمامك فانظر أي يوم هو وأعد له الجواب فإنك موقوف ومسئول وخذ موعظتك من الدهر وأهله فإن الدهر طويله قصيره فاعمل كأنك ترى ثواب عملك لتكون أطمع في ذلك واعقل عن الله وانظر في تصرف الدهر وأحواله فإن ما هو آت من الدنيا كما ولى منها فاعتبر بها

Imam Ali ibn al-Hussein used to say:

وقال علي بن الحسين عليه السلام

“Verily, all things that are under the sunlight in the east and west, in oceans and lands, and plains and mountains—all these are just like a shadow in the sights of God’s pious servants and those who realize their duties towards God. Is there any freeman who will leave this valueless world to its deceived adorers? Your bodies have no price less than Paradise. So, do not sell them for any other price. Verily, whoever satisfies himself with the worldly pleasures has in fact been pleased with the worthless.”

إن جميع ما طلعت عليه الشمس في مشارق الأرض ومغاربها بحرها وبرها وسهلها وجبلها عند ولي من أولياء الله وأهل المعرفة بحق الله كفي‏ء الظلال ثم قال عليه السلام: أولا حر يدع هذه اللماظة لأهلها يعني الدنيا فليس لأنفسكم ثمن إلا الجنة فلا تبيعوها بغيرها فإنه من رضي من الله بالدنيا فقد رضي بالخسيس

O Husham! All people look at the stars, but no one can realize their ways and places except those who have full experience with astronomy. In like fashion, you all study wisdom, but no one can benefit by it except those who apply it to their conducts.

يا هشام إن كل الناس يبصر النجوم ولكن لا يهتدي بها إلا من يعرف مجاريها ومنازلها وكذلك أنتم تدرسون الحكمة ولكن لا يهتدي بها منكم إلا من عمل بها

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