The Archangel Gabriel foretold the Holy Prophet of the martyrdom of Imam Hussain and brought his some of the soil on which he would be slain [2]
Kanz al-‛Ummal, vol. 6, page 106:
Al-Muttaqi also wrote: Ummu-Salamah is reported to have said: I was sitting on the door of the chamber wherein the Prophet (s) sat, and Hussain entered there. I looked and saw something in the hand of the Prophet (s) who was turning it over while Hussain was sleeping on the Prophet’s stomach. I thus asked, “O Allah’s Apostle! I saw you turn over something that is in your hand while Hussain, the little boy, was sleeping on your stomach and your tears were flowing on your face. What was that?”
He answered, “Gabriel has brought me some of the soil of the land on which Hussain will be slain. He told that my community will kill him.”
Ibn Abi-Shaybah mentioned this narration along with its chain of authority.
(كنز العمال أيضا ج 6 ص 106) قال: عن أم سلمة قالت: دخل الحسين عليه السلام على النبي صلى اللَّه عليه (وآله) وسلم وأنا جالسة على الباب فتطلعت فرأيت في كف النبي صلى اللَّه عليه (وآله) وسلم شيئا يقلبه وهو نائم على بطنه فقلت: يا رسول اللَّه تطلعت فرأيتك تقلب شيئا في كفك والصبي نائم على بطنك ودموعك تسيل فقال: إن جبريل أتاني بالتربة التي يقتل عليها فأخبرني إن أمتي يقتلونه
قال: أخرجه ابن أبي شيبة
Majma‛ al-Zawa’id, vol. 9, page 187:
Al-Haythami wrote: ʽA’ishah is reported to have said: Hussain ibn ‛Ali, the little boy, came to Allah’s Apostle (s) who was receiving a Divine revelation. He jumped on the back of the Prophet (s) who was engaged in receiving the revelation. The Archangel Gabriel asked Allah’s Apostle, “O Muhammad! Do you love him?” “Why I should not love my son?” the Prophet (s) replied. The Archangel said, “So, your community will kill him after your departure from this world.” Then, the Archangel stretched his hand and brought a handful of white soil. He explained, “Your son will be killed on this land whose name is al-Taff.”
When the Archangel left, Allah’s Apostle (s) held Hussain in his arms, wept, and said to me, “ʽA’ishah! Gabriel has just told me that my son, Hussain, would be killed in the land of al-Taff and that my community would be exposed to seditions after my departure.”
He then left the house and went to his companions, amongst whom was ‛Ali, Abu-Bakr, ʽUmar, Hudhayfah, ‛Ammar, and Abu-Dharr, while he was still weeping. “Why are you weeping, O Allah’s Apostle?” they asked and the Prophet (s) told, “Gabriel has told me that, after my departure from this world, my son Hussain would be killed in the land of al-Taff. He also brought to me this soil and told that he would be buried therein.”
In a brief form, al-Tabarani quoted this narration in his books: al-Mu‛jam al-Kabir and al-Mu‛jam al-Awsat.
(الهيثمي في مجمعه ج 9 ص 187) قال: وعن عائشة قالت: دخل الحسين بن علي عليهما السلام على رسول اللَّه صلى اللَّه عليه (وآله) وسلم وهو يوحى اليه فنزا على رسول اللَّه صلى اللَّه عليه (وآله) وسلم وهو منكب وهو على ظهره فقال جبريل لرسول اللَّه صلى اللَّه عليه (وآله) وسلم: أتحبه يا محمد؟
قال: ومالي لا أحب ابني قال: فان أمتك ستقتله من بعدك، فمد جبريل عليه السّلام بده فأتاه بتربة بيضاء فقال: في هذه الأرض يقتل ابنك هذا، واسمها الطف فلما ذهب جبريل عليه السلام من عند رسول اللَّه صلى اللَّه عليه (وآله) وسلم خرج رسول اللَّه صلى اللَّه عليه (وآله) وسلم والتزمه في يده يبكى فقال
يا عائشة إن جبريل أخبرني إن ابني حسين مقتول في أرض الطف، وإن أمتي ستفتن بعدى، ثم خرج إلى أصحابه فيهم علي عليه السلام وأبو بكر وعمر وحذيفة وعمار وأبو ذر وهو يبكى فقالوا: ما يبكيك يا رسول اللَّه؟ فقال
أخبرني جبريل إن ابني الحسين يقتل بعدى بأرض الطف وجاءني بهذه التربة وأخبرني إن فيها مضجعه
قال: رواه الطبراني في الكبير والأوسط باختصار كثير
Majma‛ al-Zawa’id, vol. 9, page 188:
Al-Haythami also wrote: Zaynab bint Jahsh is reported to have said that the Prophet (s) was once sleeping in her chamber while Hussain, the little boy, was crawling in the yard of the house. In a moment of inattention, he crawled towards the Prophet (s) until he went up his stomach… The Prophet (s) then stood up to offer a prayer, holding Hussain in his arms. When he went to the genuflection and prostration, he would put him on the ground and when stood up, he would carry him. When he sat, he raised his hands toward the sky and prayed. When he finished his prayer, she came and asked, “O Allah’s Apostle! Today, I saw you doing something that you I have not seen you do it before.” He answered, “Yes. Gabriel has come to me and told me that my son would be killed. I asked him to show me the soil of the land on which he would be killed; so, he brought me a handful of red soil.”
Al-Tabarani quoted this narration, reporting it through two chains of authority.
(الهيثمي في مجمعه أيضا ج 9 ص 188) قال: وعن زينب بنت جحش إن النبي صلى اللَّه عليه (وآله) وسلم كان نائما عندها وحسين عليه السلام يحبو في البيت فغفلت عنه فحبا حتى أتى النبي صلى اللَّه عليه (وآله) وسلم فصعد على بطنه (إلى أن قال) قالت: ثم قام يصلى واحتضنه فكان إذا ركع وسجد وضعه وإذا قام حمله، فلما جلس جعل يدعو ويرفع يديه ويقول، فلما قضى الصلاة قلت: يا رسول اللَّه لقد رأيتك تصنع اليوم شيئا ما رأيتك تصنعه قال: إن جبريل أتاني فأخبرني إن ابني يقتل، قلت: فأرني تربته إذا فأتاني بتربة حمراء قال: رواه الطبراني باسنادين
Majma‛ al-Zawa’id, vol. 9, page 189:
Al-Haythami also wrote: Abu-Umamah is reported to have said: The Apostle of Allah (s) had ordered his wives, “Do not make this little boy, Hussain, cry.” One day, the Prophet (s) was with Ummu-Salamah when the Archangel Gabriel visited him. He ordered her not to let anyone enter. Yet, Hussain came and looked at the Prophet (s); so, he tried to go to him, but Ummu-Salamah took him, held him in her arms, and started talking to him tenderly so that he would stop crying. But the little boy cried heavily; therefore, she had to release him. He entered the room and sat in the lap of the Prophet (s). Gabriel, upon seeing him, told the Prophet, “Your community will kill your son.” The Prophet (s) asked, “Will they kill him while they believe in me?” “Yes, they will.” Then, Gabriel brought a handful of soil and said, “They will kill him in the land whose soil is this.”
The Prophet (s) went out and embraced Hussain while he was heavily aggrieved and distressed. Ummu-Salamah, thinking that the Prophet (s) was angry because she let the little boy enter the room, apologized, “O Allah’s Prophet! May Allah accept me as ransom for you! You ordered us not to let the boy cry and you then ordered me not to let anyone enter the room; but this little boy came and I had to let him enter the room.”
Yet, the Prophet (s) did not say anything to her and he immediately went out to his companions, amongst whom were Abu-Bakr and ʽUmar, who were sitting. He said to them, “My community will kill my son, this one.”
Abu-Bakr and ʽUmar, surprised, said, “O Allah’s Prophet! Will they do so while they are believers?”
“Yes, they will,” the Prophet (s) answered and showed them the handful of soil, saying, “This is the soil on which he will be slain.”
This narration is quoted by al-Tabarani.
Comment: The meaning of the statement, ‘they will kill him while they are believers,’ means that these slayers would be seemingly Muslims in the sense that they declared the professions of Islam and that they would not be Jews or Christians.
(الهيثمي في مجمعه أيضا ج 9 ص 189) قال: وعن أبي أمامة قال: قال رسول اللَّه صلى اللَّه عليه (وآله) وسلم لنسائه: لا تبكوا هذا الصبى – يعنى حسينا عليه السلام – قال: وكان يوم أم سلمة فنزل جبريل فدخل رسول اللَّه صلى اللَّه عليه (وآله) وسلم الداخل وقال لأم سلمة: لا تدعى أحدا أن يدخل عليّ، فجاء الحسين عليه السلام فلما نظر إلى النبي صلى اللَّه عليه (وآله) وسلم في البيت أراد أن يدخل فأخذته أم سلمة فاحتضنته وجعلت تناغيه وتسكنه فلما اشتد في البكاء خلت عنه، فدخل حتى جلس في حجر النبي صلى اللَّه عليه (وآله) وسلم فقال جبريل عليه السلام للنبي صلى اللَّه عليه (وآله) وسلم
إن أمتك ستقتل ابنك هذا، فقال النبي صلى اللَّه عليه (وآله) وسلم: يقتلونه وهم مؤمنون بي؟ قال: نعم يقتلونه، فتناول جبريل تربة فقال: بمكان كذا وكذا، فخرج رسول اللَّه صلى اللَّه عليه (وآله) وسلم قد احتضن حسينا عليه السّلام كاسف البال مغموما فظنت أم سلمة أنه غضب من دخول الصبى عليه، فقالت:
يا نبي اللَّه جعلت لك الفداء إنك قلت لنا: لا تبكوا هذا الصبى وأمرتني أن لا أدع أحدا يدخل عليك فجاء فخليت عنه، فلم يردّ عليها فخرج إلى أصحابه وهم جلوس فقال: إن أمتي يقتلون هذا، وفى القوم أبو بكر وعمر فقالا: يا نبي اللَّه وهم مؤمنون؟ قال: نعم وهذه تربته وأراهم إياها، قال: رواه الطبراني (أقول) ومعنى أنهم يقتلونه وهم مؤمنون – أي وهم مسلمون يشهدون أن لا إله إلا اللَّه وأن محمدا رسول اللَّه ليسوا في الظاهر بيهود ولا نصارى
Majma‛ al-Zawa’id, vol. 9, page 191:
Al-Haythami also wrote: Ibn ʽAbbas is reported to have said: Hussain was sitting in the lap of the Prophet (s) when Gabriel asked him, “Do you love him?” referring to Hussain. The Prophet (s) answered, “How come that I do not love him while he is the fruit of my heart?” Gabriel told, “Your community will kill him.” He then suggested, “May I show you the place of his burial?” He then brought something, which was a handful of red soil.
Al-Bazzar cited this narration.
(الهيثمي في مجمعه أيضا ج 9 ص 191) قال: وعن ابن عباس قال
كان الحسين عليه السلام جالسا في حجر النبي صلى اللَّه عليه (وآله) وسلم فقال جبريل: أتحبه؟ فقال: وكيف لا أحبه وهو ثمرة فؤادي؟ فقال: إن أمتك ستقتله، ألا أريك من موضع قبره؟ فقبض قبضة فإذا تربة حمراء، قال: رواه البزار
Imam ‛Ali foretells the martyrdom of Hussain and the place where he will be slain
Musnad Ahmad, vol. 1, page 85:
Through his chain of authority, Ahmad ibn Hanbal reported ʽAbdullah ibn Naja to have quoted his father as saying: One day, I marched with ‛Ali (‛a) because I was in charge of watering. When he reached Nineveh on his way to Siffin, he called out, “Be patient, Abu-ʽAbdullah!” repeating it twice. He then explained, “One day, I visited the Prophet (s) and found him shedding tears. I asked, ‘O Allah’s Prophet! Have you been enraged by anyone? Why are your eyes shedding tears?’ He said, ‘No, but [the Archangel] Gabriel has just left me after he told me that Hussain would be slain at the bank of River Euphrates. He then suggested, `Do you allow me to make you smell some of the soil of the land on which he will be slain?` I answered in the affirmative; so, Gabriel stretched his hand and brought a handful of soil. As he gave it to me, I could not stop my eyes from shedding tears.’”
Comment: The same narration is reported by Ibn Hajar in Tahdhib al-Tahdhib (vol. 2, page 347) and by al-Muttaqi in Kanz al-‛Ummal (vol. 7, page 105) where he commented, “Ibn Abi-Shaybah, Abu-Ya‛la, and Saeed ibn Mansur cited this narration.”
Al-Haythami, too, cited the same in Majma‛ al-Zawa’id (vol. 9, page 187) and then commented, “Al-Bazzar and al-Tabarani quoted this narration, reporting it through trustworthy transmitters of narrations.”
اخبار علي عليه السّلام عن قتل الحسين عليه السّلام وعن موضع قتله
(مسند الإمام أحمد بن حنبل ج 1 ص 85) روى بسنده عن عبد اللَّه ابن نجا عن أبيه إنه سار مع علي عليه السلام – وكان صاحب مطهرته – فلما حاذى نينوى وهو منطلق إلى صفين فنادى علي عليه السلام: إصبر أبا عبد اللَّه إصبر أبا عبد اللَّه بشط الفرات، قلت: وماذا؟ قال: دخلت على النبي صلى اللَّه عليه (وآله) وسلم ذات يوم وعيناه تفيضان قلت: يا نبي اللَّه أغضبك أحد ما شأن عينيك تفيضان؟ قال: بل قام من عندي جبريل فحدثني إن الحسين يقتل بشط الفرات، قال: فقال: هل لك إلى أن أشمك من تربته؟
قال: قلت: نعم، فمد يده فقبض قبضة من تراب فأعطانيها فلم أملك عيني أن فاضتا (أقول) ورواه ابن حجر أيضا في تهذيب التهذيب (ج 2 ص 347) وذكره المتقى أيضا في كنز العمال (ج 7 ص 105) وقال: أخرجه ابن أبي شيبة وأبو يعلى وسعيد بن منصور (انتهى) وذكره الهيتمي أيضا في مجمعه (ج 9 ص 187) وقال: أخرجه البزار والطبراني ورجاله ثقات
Usd al-Ghabah, vol. 4, page 169:
Within the biography of Ghurfah al-Azdi, Ibn al-Athir wrote: Abu-Sadiq conveyed the narration of Ghurfah and said, “He was one of the companions of the Prophet and one of the poor people who used to live in a corner of the mosque, waiting for the people’s alms. Also, the Prophet (s) prayed Allah to bless the deals of Ghurfah.”
Ghurfah reported the following: Because I doubted the steps taken by ‛Ali (‛a), I went out with him to the war. When we reached the bank of the Euphrates, he turned from the proper way and stopped there; therefore, we stopped with him. He then stretched his hand, pointed at a place and said, “This is the place where they will settle. This is the place where their camels will be knelt down. This is the place where they blood will be shed. I sacrifice my father for the one who will not find any supporter on the earth and in the sky except Allah.”
Years after that, when Hussain was slain, I went out and came to the place where Hussain and his people were killed and found it exactly the very place at which ‛Ali (‛a) had pointed. Thus, I prayed to Allah to forgive me for the doubt that I had about ‛Ali and I came to know for sure that ‛Ali (‛a) did not make any step of his own accord; rather, it was according to instructions that he had received from the Prophet (s).
(أسد الغابة ج 4 ص 169) في ترجمة غرفة الأزدي، قال: روى عنه أبو صادق قال: وكان من أصحاب النبي صلى اللَّه عليه (وآله) وسلم ومن أصحاب الصفة، وهو الذي دعا له النبي صلى اللَّه عليه (وآله) وسلم أن يبارك له في صفقته، قال: دخلني شك من شأن علي عليه السلام فخرجت معه على شاطئ الفرات فعدل عن الطريق ووقف ووقفنا حوله فقال بيده
هذا موضع رواحلهم ومناخ ركابهم ومهراق دمائهم، بأبى من لا ناصر له في الأرض ولا في السماء إلا اللَّه، فلما قتل الحسين عليه السلام خرجت حتى أتيت المكان الذي قتلوه فيه فإذا هو كما قال ما أخطأ شيئا، قال: فاستغفرت اللَّه مما كان منى من الشك وعلمت أن عليا عليه السلام لم يقدم إلا بما عهد اليه فيه
Kanz al-‛Ummal, vol. 7, page 106:
Al-Muttaqi wrote: Shayban ibn Makhram is reported to have said: I was with ‛Ali (‛a) when he came to Karbala’ and declared, “At this very place, martyrs like whom there shall be no martyrs except the martyrs of the Battle of Badr will be slain.”
Al-Tabarani cited this narration.
Comment: The same narration is mentioned by al-Haythami in Majma‛ al-Zawa’id (vol. 9, page 190).
(كنز العمال ج 7 ص 106) قال: عن شيبان بن مخرم قال: إني لمع علي عليه السلام إذ أتى كربلاء فقال: يقتل في هذا الموضع شهداء ليس مثلهم شهداء إلا شهداء بدر، قال: أخرجه الطبراني (أقول) وذكره الهيثمي أيضا في مجمعه (ج 9 ص 190)
Kanz al-‛Ummal, vol. 7, page 110:
Al-Muttaqi wrote: ‛Ali (‛a) is reported to have said: “Hussain shall most surely be slain a horrible slaying. I do know the soil of the land on which he will be slain. It is near the two rivers.”
Ibn Abi-Shaybah quoted this narration.
(كنز العمال أيضا ج 7 ص 110) ولفظه: عن علي عليه السلام قال: ليقتلن الحسين قتلا، وإني لأعرف تربة الأرض التي بها يقتل قريبا من النهرين، قال: أخرجه ابن أبي شيبة
Majma‛ al-Zawa’id, vol. 9, page 191:
Al-Haythami wrote: Abu-Khayrah is reported as saying: I accompanied ‛Ali (‛a) when he came to al-Kufah where he went up the minbar to deliver a speech. He praised and commended Allah and then, addressing the people of al-Kufah, said, “What will you do when the offspring of your Prophet reside next to you?”
They answered, “We will most surely do the best to them for the sake of Allah.”
‛Ali (‛a) said, “I swear by Him Who controls my soul in His Hand; the offspring of the Prophet will reside amongst you, but you will fight and then kill them.”
He then quoted a poetic verse: “It was they who seduced him into coming to them and then deceived him when they failed to respond to him; therefore, they shall not be found salvation nor shall they be excused.”
Al-Tabarani quoted this narration.
(الهيثمي في مجمعه ج 9 ص 191) قال: وعن أبي خيرة قال: صحبت عليا عليه السلام حتى أتى الكوفة فصعد المنبر فحمد اللَّه وأثنى عليه ثم قال
كيف أنتم إذا نزل ذرية نبيكم بين ظهرانيكم؟ قالوا: إذا نبلى في اللَّه فيهم بلاء حسنا، فقال: والذي نفسي بيده لينزلن بين ظهرانيكم ولتخرجن إليهم فلتقتلنهم ثم أقبل يقول
هم أوردوه بالغرور وغردوا * أجيبوا دعاه لا نجاة ولا غدرا
قال: رواه الطبراني
Al-Sawa‛iq al-Muhriqah, page 115:
Ibn Hajar wrote: Al-Mulla reported that when ‛Ali (‛a) passed by the place where Hussain would be buried, he declared, “At this very place will their mounts be made kneel down. At this very place will they settle. At this very place will their blood be shed. Some youths from the family of Muhammad (s) shall be slain at this area. They shall be wept by the sky and the earth.”
Comment: Muhibb al-Din al-Tabari mentioned this narration in Dhakha’ir al-‛Uqba (page 97) and then commented, “Al-Asbagh is reported to have conveyed this narration.”
(الصواعق المحرقة ص 115) قال: وروى الملا إن عليا عليه السلام مرّ بقبر الحسين عليه السلام – يعنى بموضع قبره – فقال: هاهنا مناخ ركابهم وهاهنا موضع رحالهم، وهاهنا مهراق دمائهم، فتية من آل محمد (صلى اللَّه عليه وآله وسلم) يقتلون بهذه العرصة، تبكى عليهم السماء والأرض (أقول) وذكره المحب الطبري أيضا في ذخائره (ص 97) وقال: عن الأصبغ
Kaʽb foretells the martyrdom of Imam Hussain
Tahdhib al-Tahdhib, vol. 2, page 347:
Ibn Hajar wrote: ‛Ammar al-Duhni said: ‛Ali (‛a) passed by Kaʽb who said, “One of the sons of this man will be killed within a group the sweat of whose horses will not dry out before they join Muhammad (‛a).”
As al-Hasan passed by them, the addressees asked, “Is he this one?” “No, he is not.” Kaʽb answered.
Then, Hussain passed by them and they repeated the same question; so, Kaʽb said, “Yes. He is this one.”
Comment: The same narration is mentioned by al-Haythami in Majma‛ al-Zawa’id (vol. 9, page 193) with slight difference in the form. He then commented, “Al-Tabarani quoted this narration.”
اخبار كعب عن قتل الحسين عليه السّلام
(تهذيب التهذيب ج 2 ص 347) قال: وقال عمار الدهني: مرّ علىّ عليه السلام على كعب فقال: يقتل من ولد هذا رجل في عصابة لا يجف عرق خيولهم حتى يردوا على محمد صلى اللَّه عليه (وآله) وسلم، فمرّ حسن عليه السلام فقالوا: هذا، قال: لا، فمرّ حسين عليه السلام فقالوا: هذا قال: نعم (أقول) وذكره الهيتمي أيضا في مجمعه (ج 9 ص 193) باختلاف يسير في بعض الألفاظ، وقال: رواه الطبراني