Imam Hussain in Islamic Narrated Heritage
أحاديث في فضل الإمام الحسين(ع) من كتب العامة

Imam Hussain; a descendant of the Holy Prophet as confirmed by the Holy Quran

Al-Mustadrak ‛ala al-Sahihayn, vol. 2, page 146:

Through his chain of authority, al-Hakim reported ʽAsim ibn Bahdalah as saying: Some people were present before al-Hajjaj and they conversed about Hussain ibn ‛Ali (‛a). Al-Hajjaj said, “Hussain was not a descendant of the Prophet.” Upon hearing this claim, Yahya ibn Ya‛mur intruded and declared, “You have told a lie, O emir.”

Al-Hajjaj threatened, “You must provide clear-cut evidence and an example from the Book of Allah; otherwise, I will kill you.”

So, Yahya read this Quranic verse: “And from his offspring came David, Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses and Aaron; thus We reward those who act kindly; and Zachariah, John, Jesus and Elijah; and they were all honorable men.” He then explained, “In these verses, Allah the Almighty and All-majestic tells that Jesus was from the offspring of Adam through his mother. Similarly, Hussain ibn ‛Ali must be from the offspring of Muhammad (s) through his mother.”

Al-Hajjaj succumbed and said, “You have told the truth. Yet, what made you give a lie to me while you are sitting in a session I run?”

Yahya answered, “I only followed the instructions of Allah Who took the pledge of the prophets that they should clarify the religion to people and should never conceal it. Yet, they ‘cast it behind their backs and bought therewith a small price.’”

Then, al-Hajjaj exiled Yahya to Khurasan.

Comment: The same narration is quoted by al-Bayhaqi in Sunan al-Bayhaqi (vol. 6, page 166).

I have earlier cited the other narrations that told the story of Yahya ibn Ya‛mur with al-Hajjaj, as quoted from al-Fakhr al-Razi and other master scholars, although all these reports were about al-Hasan and Hussain together, while the aforesaid narration is about Imam Hussain (‛a) alone.

Thus, all these narrations stand for overwhelming evidence and decisive proof that al-Hasan and Hussain (‛a) are the sons of the Holy Prophet (s). Besides, the aforesaid Quranic verses, provided as evidence by Yahya in the aforesaid narration, also acts as clear-cut evidence on this fact.

إن الحسين (عليه السلام) ذرية النبي (صلى الله عليه وآله) بمصداق من كتاب الله

مستدرك الصحيحين ج3 ص164

روى بسنده عن عاصم بن بهدلة قال: اجتمعوا عند الحجاج فذكر الحسين بن علي (عليهما السلام) فقال الحجاج: لم يكن من ذرية النبي (صلى الله عليه وآله) وعنده يحيى بن يعمر فقال له: كذبت أيها الأمير فقال: لتأتيني على ما قلت ببينة ومصداق من كتاب الله عزّوجلّ أو لأقتلنك قتلاً فقال: (ومن ذريته داود وسليمان وأيوب ويوسف وموسى) إلى قوله عزّوجلّ: (وزكريا ويحيى وعيسى والياس). فأخبر الله عزّوجلّ أن عيسى من ذرية آدم بأمه، والحسين بن علي (عليهما السلام) من ذرية محمد (صلى الله عليه وآله)بأمه قال: صدقت فما حملك على تكذيبي في مجلسي، قال: ما أخذ الله على الأنبياء ليبيننه للناس ولا يكتمونه قال الله عزّوجلّ: (فنبذوه وراء ظهورهم واشتروا به ثمناً قليلاً) قال: فنفاه إلى خراسان

أقول: ورواه البيهقي أيضاً في سننه ج6 ص166 وقد تقدم في باب مباهلة النبي (صلى الله عليه وآله) بعليّ وفاطمة والحسن والحسين (عليهم السلام) من الفخر الرازي وغيره جملة من الروايات المشتملة على قصة يحيى بن يعمر مع الحجاج غير أنها جميعاً كانت في الحسن والحسين (عليهما السلام) ورواية المستدرك هنا هي في خصوص الحسين (عليه السلام)، هذا مضافاً إلى أن تمام ما تقدم هناك في باب المباهلة من الأخبار الواردة فيه كان دليلاً واضحاً وبرهاناً قاطعاً صريحاً في كون الحسن والحسين (عليهما السلام) هما ابنا رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) وإن كانت الآية المتقدمة التي استدل بها يحيى بن يعمر أيضاً دليلاً واضحاً على ذلك


Imam Hussain; the dearest of the inhabitants of the earth to the inhabitants of the skies

Usd al-Ghabah, vol. 3, page 234:

Within the biography of ʽAbdullah ibn ‛Amr ibn al-ʽAs, Ibn al-Athir, through his chain of authority, reported Isma‛il ibn Raja’ to have quoted his father as saying: I was sitting in the Prophet’s Mosque with a group of people among whom were Abu-Saeed al-Khudri and ʽAbdullah ibn ‛Amr when Hussain ibn ‛Ali (‛a) passed by and greeted us. All of us greeted him except ʽAbdullah who kept silent until all the others finished. He then raised his voice and said, “Peace and Allah’s mercy and blessings be upon you.”

He then turned his face to the people and said, “May I introduce to you the dearest of the inhabitants of the earth to the inhabitants of the skies?”

“Yes, you may,” they answered and ʽAbdullah said, “He is this man who has just walked away. Yet, he stopped talking with me since the nights of the Battle of Siffin. Verily, if he becomes pleased with me, this will be dearer to me than possessing the best kinds of camels.”

Abu-Saeed intruded and suggested, “Why do you not apologize to him?”

ʽAbdullah answered, “Yes, I will.”

Thus, Abu-Saeed and ʽAbdullah agreed to go to Hussain the next morning. I joined them and we all went to visit Hussain. When Abu-Saeed asked permission to see him, he was permitted. Then, ʽAbdullah asked permission so insistently until he was permitted. When they were allowed to enter, Abu-Saeed said to Hussain, “O son of Allah’s Apostle! When you passed by us yesterday…” and he told him of what happened and what ʽAbdullah ibn ‛Amr said.

Hussain, speaking to ʽAbdullah, said, “So, you know that I am the dearest of the inhabitants of the earth to the inhabitants of the sky. Do you not?”

“Yes, I do,” ʽAbdullah said. “I swear it by the Lord of the Ka‛bah.”

Hussain asked, “If you do, then what made you fight against my father and me in the Battle of Siffin? By Allah, my father was even better than I am.”

“Yes, that is true,” ʽAbdullah confessed. “Yet, ‛Amr complained against me to Allah’s Apostle (s) saying, ‘ʽAbdullah is spending nighttimes with devotional acts and observing fasting in daytimes.’ So, Allah’s Apostle (s) said to me, ‘ʽAbdullah! You may pray and at the same time sleep at night; and you may break your fasting and at the same time obey Allah for your whole lifetime.’ In the Battle of Siffin, my father adjured me by Allah to participate in that war, but I never unsheathed a sword, stabbed with a lance, or threw an arrow.”

Hussain answered, “You might have done so.”

Comment: The same narration is quoted by al-Muttaqi in Kanz al-‛Ummal (vol. 6, page 86) who commented, “This narration is quoted by Ibn ‛Asakir.”

Al-Haythami, too, cited the same narration in Majma‛ al-Zawa’id (vol. 9, page 186) and then commented, “Al-Tabarani cited this narration in his book: al-Mu‛jam al-Awsat.”

On page 176, al-Haythami re-wrote the same narration but he mentioned Imam al-Hasan (‛a) instead of Imam Hussain (‛a). He then commented, “This form of the narration is quoted from al-Bazzar.”

إن الحسين (عليه السلام) أحب أهل الأرض إلى أهل السماء

أسد الغابة لابن الأثير ج3 ص234 في ترجمة عبدالله بن عمرو بن العاص

روى بسنده عن اسماعيل بن رجاء عن أبيه قال: كنت في مسجد الرسول (صلى الله عليه وآله)في حلقة فيها أبو سعيد الخدري وعبدالله بن عمرو، فمرّ بنا حسين بن علي(عليهما السلام)فسلم فرد القوم السلام، فسكت عبدالله حتى فرغوا; رفع صوته وقال: وعليك السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته، ثم أقبل على القوم فقال: ألا أخبركم بأحب أهل الأرض إلى أهل السماء؟ قالوا: بلى قال: هو هذا الماشي ما كلمني كلمة منذ ليالي صفين، ولأن يرضى عني أحب إلي من أن يكون لي حمر النعم، فقال أبو سعيد: ألا تعتذر إليه قال: بلى قال: فتواعدا أن يغدوا إليه قال: فغدوت معهما فاستأذن أبو سعيد فأذن له فدخل ثم استأذن لعبدالله فلم يزل به حتى أذن له، فلما دخل قال أبو سعيد: يابن رسول الله! إنك لما مررت بنا أمس ـ فأخبره بالذي كان من قول عبدالله بن عمرو ـ فقال حسين (عليه السلام): أعلمت يا عبدالله أني أحب أهل الأرض إلى أهل السماء؟ قال: إي ورب الكعبة، قال: فما حملك على أن قاتلتني وأبي يوم صفين فوالله لأبي كان خيراً مني، قال: أجل ولكن عمرو شكاني إلى رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) فقال: يا رسول الله إن عبدالله يقوم الليل ويصوم النهار فقال لي رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله): يا عبدالله صلّ ونم وصم وافطر وأطع عَمْراً قال: فلما كان يوم صفين أقسم عليّ فخرجت أما والله ما اخترطت سيفاً ولا طعنت برمح ولا رميت بسهم قال: فكانه

أقول: وذكره المتقي أيضاً في كنز العمال ج6 ص86 وقال: أخرجه ابن عساكر، وذكره الهيثمي أيضاً في مجمعه ج9 ص186 وقال: رواه الطبراني في الأوسط وفي ص176 وقال: فمرّ الحسن بن علي (عليهما السلام) ـ إلى أن قال ـ: رواه البزار


Al-Isabah fi Tamyiz al-Sahabah, vol. 2, part 1, page 15:

Ibn Hajar al-‛Asqalani wrote: Yunus ibn Abi-Ishaq reported al-‛Ayzar ibn Hurayb as saying: ʽAbdullah ibn ʽUmar was sitting under the shade of the Holy Ka‛bah when he saw Hussain coming. He thus pointed at Hussain and expressed, “Today, this man is the dearest of the inhabitants of the earth to the inhabitants of the skies.”

Comment: The same narration is quoted by Ibn Hajar in his other book: Tahdhib al-Tahdhib (vol. 2, page 346). Yet, he mentioned ʽAbdullah ibn ‛Amr ibn al-ʽAs instead of ʽAbdullah ibn ʽUmar.

الإصابة لابن حجر ج2 القسم 1 ص15

قال: قال يونس بن أبي اسحاق عن العيزار بن حريب: بينما عبدالله بن عمر جالس في ظل الكعبة إذ رأى الحسين (عليه السلام) مقبلاً فقال: هذا أحب أهل الأرض إلى أهل السماء اليوم

أقول: وذكره في تهذيب التهذيب أيضاً ج2 ص346 ولكن قال: بينما عبدالله ابن عمرو بن العاص جالس ـ إلى آخره ـ


“The hairs on our heads were planted by Allah and then by you, the Prophet’s family!” ʽUmar said to Imam Hussain

Tarikh Baghdad, vol. 1, page 141:

Through his chain of authority, al-Khatib al-Baghdadi reported ‛Ubayd ibn Hunayn as saying: Hussain ibn ‛Ali (‛a) told me: I once came to ʽUmar ibn al-Khattab who was delivering a speech from the minbar. I went up the minbar and said, “Come down from the minbar of my father and go to your father’s minbar!” Yet, ʽUmar answered, “My father never had a minbar.” He then took me and seated me with him. I sat there turning my pinkie. When he came down the minbar, he took me to his house and asked, “Who taught you these words?” I answered, “No one did.” He then suggested, “O son! Why do you not visit us from time to time?”

One day, I visited him while he was holding s confidential meeting with Mu‛awiyah; and his son ʽAbdullah was standing on the door waiting for a permission to come in. Yet, he was not permitted. As ʽAbdullah returned, I went with him. Afterward, ʽUmar met me and said, “I did not see you coming to us,” but I answered, “I did come but you were alone with Mu‛awiyah and your son ʽAbdullah was on the door of your house. As ʽAbdullah was not allowed to enter, he returned and I returned with him. ʽUmar said, “You are preferred to ʽAbdullah and you are given permission but ʽAbdullah is not. Verily, the hairs you can see on our heads were planted by Allah and then by you, the Prophet’s family.”

Comment: After citing the same narration in Kanz al-‛Ummal (vol. 7, page 105), al-Muttaqi commented, “This narration is quoted by Ibn Sa‛d, Ibn Rahawayh, and al-Khatib.”

As for Ibn Hajar, he, too, cited the same narration in al-Sawa‛iq al-Muhriqah (page 107), but he mentioned al-Hasan instead of Hussain, in this form: “… ʽUmar said: You are preferred to ʽAbdullah and you are given permission but ʽAbdullah is not. Who planted the hairs that on our heads except Allah and you, the Prophet’s family?”

According to another narration that is quoted by al-Daraqutni, ʽUmar said to Hussain, “Whenever you come to our house, do not seek permission.”

إن الحسين (عليه السلام) قال له عمر: انما أنبت ماترى في رؤوسنا الله ثم أنتم

تاريخ بغداد للخطيب البغدادي ج1 ص141

روى بسنده عن عبيد بن حنين قال: حدثني الحسين بن علي (عليهما السلام) قال: أتيت عمر بن الخطاب وهو على المنبر فصعدت إليه فقلت: إنزل عن منبر أبي واذهب إلى منبر أبيك، فقال عمر: لم يكن لأبي منبر، وأخذني وأجلسني معه فجعلت أقلب خنصر يدي فلما نزل انطلق بي إلى منزله فقال لي: من علمك فقلت: والله ما علمنيه أحد، قال: يا بني لو جعلت تغشانا قال: فأتيته يوماً وهو خال بمعاوية وابن عمر بالباب فرجع ابن عمر ورجعت معه فلقيني بعد فقال: لم أرك فقلت: إني جئت وأنت خال بمعاوية وابن عمر بالباب فرجع ابن عمر ورجعت معه فقال: أنت أحق بالإذن من ابن عمر وإنما أنبت ماترى في رؤوسنا الله ثم أنتم

أقول: وذكره المتقي أيضاً في كنز العمال (ج7 ص105) وقال: أخرجه ابن سعد، وابن رامويه، والخطيب، وذكره ابن حجر أيضاً في صواعقه (ص107) ولكن قال: إن الحسن استأذن على عمر وذكر القصة ـ إلى أن قال ـ فقال: ـ أي عمر ـ أنت أحق بالإذن منه وهل أنبت الشعر في الرأس بعد الله إلاّ أنتم؟

قال: وفي رواية له إذا جئت فلا تستأذن

قال: أخرجه الدارقطني


Some Instances of Imam Hussain’s magnanimity

Al-Tafsir al-Kabir, Exegesis of Surah al-Baqarah, verse 31:

Within his commentary on this Quranic verse: “And He taught Adam the Names, all of them,” al-Fakhr al-Razi wrote: A Bedouin came to Hussain ibn ‛Ali, greeted him, and asked for something, saying, “I heard your grandfather say, ‘If you want to ask for something, you should ask it from one of these four categories of people: a celebrated Arab, a generous non-Arab, an experienced in the Quran, or a bright-faced man.’ As for being Arab, the Arabs are honored by your grandfather. As for generosity, it is your habit and custom. As for the Quran, it was revealed in your houses. As for bright-facedness, I heard Allah’s Apostle (s) say, ‘If you wish to see me, you may look at al-Hasan and Hussain.’”

Hussain (‛a) asked, “What is your request?” and the man wrote it on the ground.

Hussain said, “I heard my father ‛Ali (‛a) say, ‘One’s value is defined by what one can do masterfully.’ And I heard my grandfather say, ‘Favors must be given in accordance with knowledge.’ Now, I will ask you three questions; if you answer one of them excellently, I will give you one-third of what I have with me; if you answer two of them excellently, I will give you two thirds; and if you answer all of them, I will give you all what I have with me, for I have just received a sealed bag of money from Iraq.”

The Bedouin agreed and said, “You may ask. There is no power and no might except through Allah.”

Hussain asked, “Which deed is the best?” and the Bedouin answered, “Faith in Allah is the best of all deeds.”

Hussain asked again, “What is the thing that saves from perdition?” and the Bedouin answered, “Placing trust in Allah saves from perdition.”

Hussain asked, “What is the best decoration of a person?” and the Bedouin answered, “The best decoration is knowledge accompanied by forbearance.”

“What if this thing is missed?” Hussain asked to which the Bedouin answered, “Then, it must be fortune accompanied by generosity.”

“What if this is missed, too?” Hussain asked and the Bedouin answered, “Then, it must be poverty accompanied by patience.”

“What if this is missed, too?” Hussain asked and the Bedouin answered, “Then, nothing remains but a thunderbolt that comes down from the sky and burns down that person!”

Hussain (‛a) laughed at this answer and gave the bag of money to the Bedouin.

في شيء من جود الحسين (عليه السلام)

الفخر الرازي في تفسيره الكبيرفي ذيل تفسير قوله تعالى: (وعلم آدم الأسماء كلها) في سورة البقرة

قال: أعرابي قصد الحسين بن علي (عليهما السلام) فسلم عليه وسأله حاجته وقال: سمعت جدك يقول: إذا سألتم حاجة فاسألوها من أربعة: إما عربي شريف، أو مولى كريم، أو حامل القرآن أو صاحب وجه صبيح، فأما العرب فشرفت بجدك، وأما الكرم فدأ بكم وسيرتكم، وأما القرآن ففي بيوتكم نزل، وأما الوجه الصبيح فإني سمعت رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) يقول: إذا أردتم أن تنظروا إليَّ فانظروا إلى الحسن والحسين، فقال الحسين (عليه السلام): ما حاجتك؟ فكتبها على الأرض، فقال الحسين (عليه السلام): سمعت أبي علياً (عليه السلام) يقول: قيمة كل امرئ ما يحسنه، وسمعت جدي يقول: المعروف بقدر المعرفة فأسألك عن ثلاث مسائل إن أحسنت في جواب واحدة فلك ثلث ما عندي، وإن أجبت عن اثنتين فلك ثلثا ما عندي، وإن أجبت عن الثلاث فلك كل ما عندي وقد حُمل إلي صرة مختومة من العراق، فقال: سل ولا حول ولا قوة إلاّ بالله فقال: أي الأعمال أفضل؟ قال الأعرابي: الإيمان بالله، قال: فما نجاة العبد من الهلكة؟ قال: الثقة بالله، قال: فما يزين المرء؟ قال: علم معه حلم، قال: فإن أخطأه ذلك؟ قال: فمال معه كرم، قال: فإن أخطأه ذلك؟ قال: فقر معه صبر، قال: فإن أخطأه ذلك؟ قال: فصاعقة تنزل من السماء فتحرقه فضحك الحسين (عليه السلام) ورمى بالصرة إليه


Honoring miraculous phenomena shown by and for Imam Hussain

Al-Tabaqat al-Kubra, vol. 5, page 107:

Through his chain of authority, Muhammad ibn Sa‛d reported Abu-‛Awn to have said: When Hussain ibn ‛Ali (‛a) left al-Madinah towards Makkah, he passed by Ibn Muti‛ who was digging a well. “May Allah accept my father and mother as ransoms for you! Where are you going?” Ibn Muti‛ asked. Hussain answered, “I am heading for Makkah, for my partisans there have sent me letters asking me to come to them.”

Ibn Muti‛ advised, “May Allah accept my father and mother as ransoms for you! Please, make us enjoy your staying amongst us and do not go to them.”

Yet, Hussain refused and insisted on going there.

Ibn Muti‛ said, “However, I have cleaned this well today, but it has not given me except a single bucket of water, although it is time for it to give water. You may pray to Allah to grant us blessings in it.”

Hussain asked, “Bring me some of its water.” When Ibn Muti‛ did, Hussain drank some of it, rinsed, and turned the rest in the well.” Since then, its water has become fresh and opulent.

في بعض كرامات الحسين (عليه السلام)

طبقات ابن سعد ج5 ص107

روى بسنده عن أبي عون قال: لما خرج حسين بن علي (عليهما السلام) من المدينة يريد مكة مرّ بابن مطيع وهو يحفر بئره فقال له: أين فداك أبي وأمي؟ قال: أردت مكة وذكر له أنه كتب إليه شيعته بها، فقال له ابن مطيع: فداك أبي وأمي متعنا بنفسك ولا تسر إليهم فأبى حسين (عليه السلام) فقال ابن مطيع: إن بئرى هذه قد رشحتها وهذا اليوم أوان ما خرج إلينا في الدلو شيء من ماء فلو دعوت الله لنا فيها بالبركة، قال: هات من مائها فأتى من مائها في الدلو فشرب منه ثم مضمض ثم رده في البئر فأعذب وأمهى

أقول: وأمهى أي كثر ماؤه


Majma‛ al-Zawa’id, vol. 9, page 186:

Al-Haythami wrote: Abu-Hurayrah is reported to have said: Hussain ibn ‛Ali was once with the Holy Prophet (s) who loved him very much. Hussain said, “May I leave to my mother?” The Prophet (s) allowed him, but I suggested to go with him. It was a dark night and on our way, a lightning came from the sky and lit up our way. So, Hussain walked in that light until he reached home.

Al-Tabarani cited this narration.

Comment: Muhibb al-Din al-Tabari, in Dhakha’ir al-‛Uqba (page 132), wrote this narration in this form: “… Abu-Hurayrah said: Al-Hasan was once with the Holy Prophet… I asked, “May I go with him?” but the Prophet (s) said no… etc.

Abu-Saeed quoted this narration.

الهيثمي في مجمعه ج9 ص186

قال: وعن أبي هريرة قال: كان الحسين بن علي (عليهما السلام) عند النبي (صلى الله عليه وآله)وكان يحبه حباً شديداً فقال: أذهب إلى أمي فقلت: أذهب معه فجاءت برقة من السماء فمشى في ضوئها حتى بلغ، قال: رواه الطبراني

أقول: وذكره المحب الطبري أيضاً في ذخائره ص132  وقال: كان الحسن أو الحسين وقال: فقلت: أذهب معه؟ فقال: لا، قال: خرجه أبو سعيد

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