Imam Hussain in Islamic Narrated Heritage
الإمام الحسين في التراث الروائي الإسلامي
Like Jesus the son of Mary, Imam Hussain was born after six months of pregnancy
Dhakha’ir al-‛Uqba, page 118:
Muhibb al-Din al-Tabari wrote: Qutadah said: One year and ten months after the birth of his brother Hassan, Hussain was born five years and six months after the Holy Prophet’s migration to al-Madinah.
In his book on the births of the Holy Prophet’s family members, Ibn al-Darra‛ wrote: There was no period between the birth of Hassan and the birth of Hussain except the period of pregnancy, which was only six months. In fact, no one was born after six months of pregnancy and survived except Hussain and Jesus the son of Mary.
إن الحسين ولد لستة أشهر كعيسى (عليه السلام)
ذخائر العقبى، ص118
قال: وقال قتادة: ولد الحسين (عليه السلام) بعد الحسن (عليه السلام) بسنة وعشرة أشهر لخمس سنين وستة أشهر من الهجرة، ثم قال: وقال ابن الدارع في كتاب مواليد أهل البيت: لم يكن بينهما إلاّ حمل البطن، وكان مدة حمل البطن ستة أشهر، ثم قال: وقال: لم يولد مولود قط لستة أشهر فعاش إلاّ الحسين وعيسى بن مريم (عليهما السلام)
“Hearing Hussain crying hurts me,” the Holy Prophet declared
Majma‛ al-Zawa’id, vol. 9, page 201:
Al-Haythami wrote: Yazid ibn Abi-Ziyad is reported to have said: One day, the Prophet (s) left the chamber of ʽA’ishah and passed by the house of Fatimah when he heard Hussain crying. So, he said, “You must know that his crying hurts me.”
This narration is quoted from al-Tabarani.
Comment: The same narration is cited by Muhibb al-Din al-Tabari in Dhakha’ir al-‛Uqba (page 143) where he commented, “Ibn Bint Mani‛ quoted this narration.”
Al-Durr al-Manthur, Exegesis of Surah al-Taghabun, Verse 15:
Commenting on this Quranic verse: “Verily, your possessions and your children are only a trial,” al-Suyuti wrote: Ibn al-Mundhir quoted Yahya ibn Abi-Kathir as saying: Once he heard Hassan or Hussain cry, the Prophet (s) left his place and hurried towards him. He then declared, “Verily, one’s child is a trial. I came to him so hurriedly that I did not recognize what I was doing.”
قول النبي (صلى الله عليه وآله) : بكاء الحسين يؤذيني
الهيثمي في مجمع الزوائد ج9 ص201:
قال: وعن يزيد بن أبي زياد قال: خرج النبي (صلى الله عليه وآله) من بيت عائشة فمرَّ على بيت فاطمة سلام الله عليها فسمع حسيناً يبكي فقال: ألم تعلمي أن بكاءه يؤذيني؟ قال: رواه الطبراني
أقول: وذكره المحب الطبري أيضاً في ذخائره ص143 وقال: خرجه ابن بنت منيع
السيوطي في الدر المنثورفي ذيل تفسير قوله تعالى: (إنما أموالكم وأولادكم فتنة) في سورة التغابن
قال: وأخرج ابن المنذر عن يحيى بن أبي كثير قال: سمع النبي (صلى الله عليه وآله) بكاء حسن أو حسين فقال النبي (صلى الله عليه وآله) الولد فتنة، لقد قمت اليه وما أعقل
The Holy Prophet sacrificed his son Ibrahim for Hussain
Tarikh Baghdad, vol. 2, page 204:
Through his chain of authority, al-Khatib reported Abu’l-ʽAbbas as saying: I was with the Prophet (s) who was putting his son Ibrahim on his left thigh and Hussain ibn Ali on his right one and he was distributing kisses between them. Immediately, the Archangel Gabriel came down to him carrying a revelation from the Lord of the Worlds. When the Archangel left, the Prophet (s) explained, “Gabriel has just come to me from my Lord and said, “Muhammad! Your Lord conveys His greetings to you and say: I will not allow you to have both of these two boys; therefore, you must sacrifice one of them for the other.”
The Prophet (s) looked at his son Ibrahim and wept and then looked at Hussain and wept. He then said, “Ibrahim’s mother is a slave; and if he dies, no one will be distressed for him except me, while Hussain’s mother is [my daughter] Fatimah and his father is Ali who is my cousin, a part of my flesh and blood. His death will aggrieve my daughter, my cousin, and me; therefore, I prefer my grief to theirs. O Gabriel! You may take the soul of my son Ibrahim, for I sacrifice him for Hussain.”
Three days later, Ibrahim departed this life. Since then, whenever the Prophet (s) saw Hussain coming towards him, he would kiss him, hold him in his arms, and suck his teeth, saying, “I, too, sacrifice the one for whom I sacrificed my son Ibrahim.”
إن الحسين (عليه السلام) فداه النبي (صلى الله عليه وآله) بابنه ابراهيم
تاريخ بغداد للخطيب البغدادي ج2 ص204
روى بسنده عن أبي العباس قال: كنت عند النبي (صلى الله عليه وآله) وعلى فخذه الأيسر ابنه ابراهيم وعلى فخذه الأيمن الحسين بن علي (عليهما السلام) تارة يقبل هذا وتارة يقبل هذا، إذ هبط عليه جبريل (عليه السلام) بوحي من رب العالمين فلما سرى عنه قال: أتاني جبريل من ربي فقال لي: يا محمد إن ربك يقرأ عليك السلام ويقول لك: لست أجمعهما لك فافد أحدهما بصاحبه، فنظر النبي (صلى الله عليه وآله) إلى ابراهيم فبكى ونظر إلى الحسين (عليه السلام) فبكى ثم قال: إن ابراهيم اُمه أمة ومتى مات لم يحزن عليه غيري واُم الحسين فاطمة وأبوه علي ابن عمي لحمي ودمي ومتى مات حزنت ابنتي وحزن ابن عمي وحزنت أنا عليه وأنا أوثر حزني على حزنهما، يا جبريل تقبض ابراهيم فديته بابراهيم، قال: فقبض بعد ثلاث، فكان النبي (صلى الله عليه وآله) إذا رأى
الحسين (عليه السلام) مقبلاً قبله وضمه إلى صدره ورشف ثناياه وقال: فديت من فديته بابني ابراهيم
The Holy Prophet used to stick out his tongue for Hussain and kiss his mouth and teeth
Dhakha’ir al-‛Uqba, page 126:
Muhibb al-Din al-Tabari wrote: Abu-Hurayrah is reported to have said: The Prophet (s) used to stick out his tongue for Hussain; and when the little boy saw the redness of the Prophet’s tongue, he would find joy. ‛Uyaynah ibn Badr, upon seeing this, said, “Is what I see true? By Allah, I have children but I have never kissed anyone of them.” The Prophet (s) commented, “Whoever does not have mercy on others, will not be shown mercy.”
Abu-Hatam quoted this narration.
إن النبي (صلى الله عليه وآله) يدلع لسانه للحسين (عليه السلام) ويقبل فمه وثناياه
ذخائر العقبى ص126
قال: عن أبي هريرة قال: كان النبي (صلى الله عليه وآله) يدلع لسانه للحسين (عليه السلام) فيرى الصبي حمرة لسانه فيهش اليه فقال عيينة بن بدر: ألا أراه يصنع هذا بهذا؟ فوالله إنه ليكون لي الولد قد خرج وجهه وما قبلته قط، فقال (صلى الله عليه وآله) : من لا يَرحم لا يُرحم.
خرجه أبو حاتم
Dhakha’ir al-‛Uqba, page 126:
Muhibb al-Din al-Tabari also wrote: Anas ibn Malik is reported to have said: After Hussain ibn Ali (‛a) had been slain, his head was brought to Ibn Ziyad who started hitting the lips and teeth of Hussain with a rod that was in his hand. He then mockingly said, “In fact, his teeth were good-looking!” I said to myself, “I will offend this man.” So, I said, “Verily, I saw Allah’s Apostle kiss the very place which you are hitting with your rod.”
Ibn al-Dahhak cited this narration.
ذخائر العقبى أيضاً ص126
قال: عن أنس بن مالك قال: لما قتل الحسين بن علي (عليهما السلام) جيء برأسه إلى ابن زياد فجعل ينكت بقضيب على ثناياه وقال: إن كان لحسن الثغر. فقلت في نفسي: لأسوأنك لقد رأيت رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) يقبل موضع قضيبك من فيه
قال: أخرجه ابن الضحاك
Usd al-Ghabah, vol. 5, page 381:
Ibn al-Athir wrote: Biography of Abd al-Wahid ibn Abdullah al-Qurashi: Muhammad ibn Suqah reported Abd al-Wahid al-Qurashi to have said: When the head of Hussain ibn Ali (‛a) was brought before him, Yazid took a rod and opened the lips of Hussain to see his teeth. He then said, “By Allah! Dew is never whiter than these teeth!” He then cited this poetic verse: “We break the heads of men who are dear to us, but it was they who ruptured relationships with us and wronged us!”
Immediately, a man who was present they shouted at Yazid, “Hold your rod! By Allah, I many times saw the lips of Allah’s Apostle on these lips.” Yazid, looking at the man angrily and furiously, removed the rod.”
أسد الغابة ج5 ص381 في ترجمة عبد الواحد بن عبدالله القرشي
قال: روى محمد بن سوقة عن عبد الواحد القرشي قال: لما أتي يزيد برأس الحسين بن علي (عليهما السلام) تناوله بقضيب فكشف عن ثناياه فوالله ما البرد بأبيض منها وأنشد
يفلقن هاماً من رجال أعزة *** علينا وهم كانوا أعق وأظلما
فقال له رجل عنده: يا هذا إرفع قضيبك فوالله ربما رأيت شفتي رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) فكأنه يقبله، فرفع متذمراً عليه مغضباً
Kanz al-‛Ummal, vol. 7, page 110:
Al-Muttaqi wrote: Zayd ibn Arqam is reported to have said: I was present when the head of Hussain (‛a) was brought to ‛Ubaydullah ibn Ziyad and put before him. He took a rod and put it between the lips of Hussain’s head. I said, “You are putting your rod on a place that the Apostle of Allah (s) always kissed.” Annoyed by my words, ‛Ubaydullah shouted, “Stand up and leave! You are really an old man who has lost his mind.”
Al-Khatib, in his book: Al-Muttafaq, quoted this narration.
Comment: The same narration is mentioned ibn Hajar al-ʽAsqalani in his book: Fath al-Bari Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari (vol. 8, page 96), in this form: “… I said to him, “Move your rod away, for I saw the mouth of Allah’s Apostle (s) on this very place.
Al-Tabarani quoted this narration, reporting it from Zayd ibn Arqam.”
كنز العمال ج7 ص110
قال: عن زيد بن أرقم قال: كنت جالساً عند عبيد الله بن زياد إذ أتي برأس الحسين (عليه السلام) فوضع بين يديه فأخذ قضيبه فوضعه بين شفتيه فقلت له: إنك لتضع قضيبك في موضع طالما لثمه رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) ، فقال: قم إنك شيخ قد ذهب عقلك
قال: أخرجه الخطيب في المتفق
أقول: وذكره العسقلاني أيضاً في فتح الباري ج8 ص96 وقال فيه: فقلت: ارفع قضيبك فقد رأيت فم رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) في موضعه يعني في موضع القضيب
قال: أخرجه الطبراني من حديث زيد بن ارقم
Al-Sawa‛iq al-Muhriqah, page 118:
Ibn Hajar wrote: Ibn Abi’l-Dunya reported that Zayd ibn Arqam was present at ‛Ubaydullah ibn Ziyad… and he said to him, “Move your rod away. By Allah, I have very frequently seen the Apostle of Allah (s) kiss what is between these two lips.” Zayd then wept, but ‛Ubaydullah reproached him, saying, “May Allah make your eyes weep! Had you not been an old senile man, I would have beheaded you!”
Zayd left the place, saying, “O people! From now on, you are nothing but slaves. You killed the son of Fatimah and chose the son of Marjanah as your leader. By Allah, he shall most surely kill your best men and enslave your worst ones. Away with him who succumbs to humility and shame!” He then added, “Listen, son of Ziyad! I will narrate something to you that will enrage you more than my previous words did. One day, Allah’s Apostle (s) seated Hassan on his right thigh and Hussain on his left. He then put his hand on their heads and prayed, ‘O Allah! I entrust these two, as well as the righteous believers, with You.’ Now, how have you kept the trust of the Prophet (s), O son of Ziyad?”
Comment: In a previous section, I have cited a narration reported by Abu’l-ʽAbbas who said: “Since then, whenever the Prophet (s) saw Hussain coming towards him, he would kiss him, hold him in his arms, and suck his teeth, saying: I, too, sacrifice the one for whom I sacrificed my son Ibrahim.”
In the coming section, I will cite a narration, quoted from al-Hakim’s al-Mustadrak ‛ala al-Sahihayn (vol. 3, page 177), saying that the Holy Prophet (s) put one of his hands under the back of Imam Hussain, who was a child, and the other under his chin, put his mouth on Hussain’s mouth, kissed him frequently, and declared, “Husayn is part of me and I am part of him.”
I will also cite another narration, quoted from Ibn Abd al-Barr’s al-Istiʽab, holding that the Holy Prophet (s) said to Hussain, “Open your mouth,” and when he did, the Prophet (s) kissed him and prayed, “O Allah! Love him, for I do love him.”
الصواعق المحرقة ص118
قال: وروى ابن أبي الدنيا إنه كان عند ابن زياد زيد بن أرقم فقال له: إرفع قضيبك فوالله لطالما رأيت رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) يقبّل مابين هاتين الشفتين، ثم جعل زيد يبكي. فقال ابن زياد: أبكى الله عينيك لو لا أنك شيخ قد خرفت لضربت عنقك، فنهض وهو يقول: أيها الناس أنتم العبيد بعد اليوم قتلتم ابن فاطمة وأمّرتم ابن مرجانة والله ليقتلن خياركم، ويستعبدنّ شراركم فبعداً لمن رضي بالذلة والعار، ثم قال: يابن زياد لأحدثنك بما هو أغيظ عليك من هذا رأيت رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) أقعد حسناً على فخذه اليمنى وحسيناً على اليسرى، ثم وضع يده على يافوخهما ثم قال: اللهم إني أستودعك إياهما وصالح المؤمنين، فكيف كانت وديعة النبي (صلى الله عليه وآله) عندك يابن زياد؟
أقول: وقد تقدم أيضاً في الباب الثالث في رواية أبي العباس قوله: فكان النبي (صلى الله عليه وآله) إذا رأى الحسين (عليه السلام) مقبلاً قبّله وضمه إلى صدره ورشف ثناياه وقال: فديت من فديته بإبراهيم، وسيأتي أيضاً في الباب الآتي حديث قد رواه الحاكم في مستدرك الصحيحين (ج3 ص177) قال فيه: فوضع ـ يعني رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) ـ إحدى يديه تحت قفاه ـ يعني قفا الحسين (عليه السلام) ـ والأخرى تحت ذقنه فوضع فاه على فيه يقبّله فقال: حسين مني وأنا من حسين ـ إلى آخره ـ كما سيأتي أيضاً في باب بعده حديث من الاستيعاب قال فيه: ثم قال رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) ـ يعني للحسين (عليه السلام) ـ إفتح فاك ثم قبّله ثم قال: اللهم أحبه فإني أحبه